New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

Here's the updates.. what's wrong with Missy? Or is it normal to have such small leaves? Could it just be genetics or is there a deficiency?
Toof fairy

Missy. What's wrong with her? She's stretching like she should but she's not looking very healthy. Super small fan leaves.
Well the toof fairy is beginning to show Amber's, she never got that big but I attribute it to inexperience. Missy is stretching but again is small, I think I'll give the toof decay till Friday to see if she gets bigger and then harvest early next week as that will be over 60 days. Plus the toof decay is beginning to have the tell tale leaf discoloration from end of life. Next go will be a grape crinkle which I ordered and am awaiting arrival. And the nl will be on the list.

Sadly I could let the toof decay go longer but I have no room for my next purchase
Because I'm growing not just for size but for curiosity, I broke off a bud. It's my test to see what the different stages of weed are like so I can know how to properly harvest. Sure it's early, sure there's a few days left to go, and it looks like this would have been a side cola, but there's no better time to test your product than during stages of growth. Plus as I said, I have a grape crinkle I'm soon to start.

I got a 3 gallon air pot for my nex plant. Either a grape crinkle or another toof decay. Or a Tyrone special, I can't decide.
Well the little popcorn bud I picked was good considering dry weight would be under 100 mg. Nothing big but I will say if she smokes anything like she vapes... well I'm never growing anything but mephisto from here on out. I'm impressed. Tasty too for just being picked. She looks like she'll get to maybe a half ounce dry. Not much, but again it's from my own lack of experience.
You know what, she's gotta come down. Never thought I'd say it, but I have had enough of such a small plant. I have the time now to chop down all 4 inches now and get a good bit, I bet about a quarter ounce. It isn't much, but it's all I want. I have more on the way and this nl is going to take all the room I can feel it. Nl will be my yielder, this was fun. The Amber trichs are good enough reason to me.
I got about 30 grams wet so I'm on track for the quarter ounce I wanted from the toof decay. Once I have some more space and time I'll do another run but foe now I'm going to see what I can do with this northern lights that's giving me problems.
Looks nice! I need to update my journal but Ive got a toof Decay going as well as she is the best looking out of the 4 girls. She is only about 8" but man, she is plumping up nicely! Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I'll post updated pics of her. I love the Mephisto's! they are the only strains Ive grown that typically stay green the entire grow!

....almost forgot the slap! :slap: :cools:
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