New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

Hmmmmmmmm...maybe still hard to tell. You should now in a few days. But good you are looking! Females are distinct. You'll see two, little antenna like hairs sprouting at a node. A male will have a little sack sprouting from a short stalk and protrude outward, or hang down.

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Thank you! I am sure I'm just excited, but I am honestly hoping for one who is a male so I can breed. I don't care if it's photo periods that I end up breeding for a while, I have about 15 seeds yet.

yea i clicked on the pic and zoomed in and could see pistils @MissUniverse :ladies:
congrats! but as pop said they will become more defined and more of them in the coming days!!
Cool so I was looking at it right!

In excitement I am going to sprout another bean... I know I don't overly have the room, but every buy of light I wanna use. So I have a one gallon container I'm doing a microchip of a royal dwarf in. I'm super excited!

How many days do you guys think I have left on the toof decay? 40? 50+?
still way too early to tell
Gotcha, I'm just anxious for it to be done, but such is the life of a newbie grower :).
I'm hoping it is minimal, I am more of a energetic high type of person so I'll probably be harvesting earlier than some on here do. I find I can get better pain relief from a more creative high as it makes me feel like used to and not a zombie like I am nowadays
Gotcha, I'm just anxious for it to be done, but such is the life of a newbie grower :).
I'm hoping it is minimal, I am more of a energetic high type of person so I'll probably be harvesting earlier than some on here do. I find I can get better pain relief from a more creative high as it makes me feel like used to and not a zombie like I am nowadays
im in the same boat as you, i wanna chop mine right now so bad but i know that atleast 2 of the 4 still has a decent amount weight to put on because they are still shooting white pistils. and its all personal preference there is not really a wrong way to harvest your meds... as long as they are actual buds you ar harvesting and not pre-flowers haha
im in the same boat as you, i wanna chop mine right now so bad but i know that atleast 2 of the 4 still has a decent amount weight to put on because they are still shooting white pistils. and its all personal preference there is not really a wrong way to harvest your meds... as long as they are actual buds you ar harvesting and not pre-flowers haha
Glad to know I'm not alone. But yes, definitely not harvesting preflowers, gonna wait to see some cloudy or Amber buy maybe not as many as some as there's that debate on cannabinoid content as was discussed here earlier
Looking better still !

So how many days old are they now ?
Looking better still !

So how many days old are they now ?
Thank you!
Something like 23-25 days. They aren't showing the growth I've seen from some others on here, but the last few days have shown some major growth on them. I think it might be a bit slow from being a newbie.

I am going to pop a royal dwarf in tomorrow for a test grow this summer since it grows small and should be ready before summer ends, it will give me a bit of time and range of smoke flavors. Although I definitely don't have the room, it is just too addicting. I'm hoping the royal dwarf is a single cola and super small. Hoping for 1/4 of from it as its my first attempt as an ultra-micro grow

Tomorrow I'll post some photos. I still have my hopes up for a mid June harvest of the toof decay. And early to mid July for the no and then an August harvest of the royal dwarf.

After that I'm going to see about a bigger tent and going for something like mephisto grape crinkle and an automazar or autoultimate and go big. Or do a perpetual grow with a plant or two a month harvest.

I'm addicted to growing now, and as long as these turn out well, I'll finally have cheap meds
Here's how they look today. Missy seems to be dropping but the temps are fine as is the humidity and I'm watering her. Am I over watering?

Here's Missy,

And the thriving toof fairy
The toof fairy is coming along nicely and Missy is stretching a bit. But why are kine so much smaller at this point than others? Also Missy is always drooping even when she's watered well.
Missy also is getting some spots, what are they and should I do some sort of pest or fungus control?

BTW, Missy is already getting a nice fragrance to her, but the toof fairy is almost smell less. I hope they both stay the way they are. I'd like a smell less but fruity toof decay and a fragrant northern lights
Toof fairy
