New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

This final mephisto seed already is looking healthier. Tomorrow I will need to plant it and begin its life journey.

How is my NL looking tonight? i haven't noticed any visible above ground growth. I'm assuming its working on its taproot and is going slower by only having one initial leaf.
Planted the mephisto toof decay today

I was able to fit a second 5 gallon pot in the grow space so I went with that. I am now maxed out with the amount of room I can use.

here's the mephisto's taproot

here it is in the soil

and here's the NL which looks like she's struggling. am I doing something wrong or is it normal for a seed to possibly take this long.... She doesn't look like she's dying. just not growing...
What a change 24 hours makes! The mephisto looks like it will be a solid plant!
The RQ NL looks to finally be growing some new leaves! Even though the NL is slow versus other seeds, it is giving me hope to be the heaviest yield!

photos shortly
@pop22 : your method seems to work wonders!!!!! :D
Mephisto (Toof Decay aka "td") : it's growing up fast, healthy and well (already beat my other plant out), I just realized they send me an extra toofdecay than was advertised (I'll take their goof up as a sign I have more genetics to try it again) and the "td"stem is solidifying well. What luck to find another toof decay seed... I wonder if they assumed there was a bad seed and sent me 4 versus the 3 i purchased...

Pro Tip: to save $3 on a bucket, go to your local department store bakery and ask if they will give you their empty icing pails, glaze buckets or any other equivalent containers for free.
You may need to ask them be saved for you, or they may have them on hand. My local walmart had some they just gave me (the biggest ones are 5 gallon buckets. They hold 40-55 lbs of any branded buttercreme icing. Another bucket that is around 6 gallons is the 15lb Rich's brand better creme whipped topping icing (but its flimsy). I have noticed 5 gallon butter creme icing pails are best because of their round shape, size, strength and handle allowing easy manipulation during setup, and plant maintenance. Make sure you drill a number of bottom AND SIDE as drainage holes for water to escape. Finally, wash the pail well to avoid any issues with cross contamination by scrubbing and soaking in bleach water for a while.
Many stores also have 3 gallon 2 gall 1 gallon and 1/2 gallon pots. These may be of use to others.
Hope I can help

Now on to what you want to see... the girls.

No levees today (it is within 2 inches of the little stick marker), but can see the leaves coming through (looks like the light spot in midst of the brown. id give it 24 hours for growth. This one is going FAST!

my RQ NL is getting growth back, while hard to see, a second leave is growing where there should be one and has some true new green growth but is SUPER DUPER slow... I'm betting its delayed by 3 weeks versus the mephisto. But i think it will live!!!

17 hours later and the mephisto is amazing. should I gently remove the remainder of the seed or should I leave it on?

oh, the NL is slow, but finally showing new (even if hard to see) growth. looks like the RQ NL auto (at least) is a slow starter but should be hearty.

Toof Decay

while tending to the seeds today, I accidentally partially uprooted the RQ NL. I noticed something very interesting when I did though.... the taproot looked like a corkscrew.

I think it will be okay. I just put a humidity tent over it and im going to watch it for a few days... if it does die. oh well, the toof decay is going fast and strong.
My toof decay looks amazing. But I might have killed the royal queen nl. No worries though because I think I had the soil too wet when I planted her. And plus I was the one poking around her soil... I have to see what the nl looks like when I get home because yesterday she had two of the three leaves turning yellow. If her other leaf stays. Then she'll have MY respect ...
I'm gonna think positively and name the girls. The toof fairy and Miss Missy.

Pics later tonight once I get my car unlocked.
First, here's Missy the Royal Queen NL auto. She is a unique one. Definitely a mutant. But she's still chugging away and after my accidental root exposure, she's now showing her first real leaves!

And here's mephisto toof decay. She seems to like being called the toof fairy. showing her super speedy nature.
