New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

Like, Una Gel, you don't want these in the grow room as they my take the odor out of the plant itself, by neutralizing the terpenes. Use them in living spaces. and if your plants are stinky, well good luck!

give them a try and let us know, i suspect your still going to need a filter.
I would bet i will need one as well, but i just went in to my one friend's grow which has 25 plants in flower and they have a Optimum 4000 they have used solo and there's no smell outside the room, and surprisingly it hasn't detracted from the final product smell. But again, every grow is different and I will still use a filter, but probably I will make the double pencil cup filter design.

I figure though the best thing to do is to try it. If i could do a side by side I would.

Either way, about to post an update on the plant. However, the cotyledon seem to be "off"... Well one is growing fine, the other looks like it's growing small and slow. Maybe that's more normal than I think? It is only what I'd consider to be true "day 1".
MissUniverse - Just remember one thing...with todays herb prices, a loss of $100 bucks worth of seed is small compared to the cost of an ounce of weed. So as long as you pull 2oz within a few grows you haven't lost a thing. Please don't give up! Where there is a will, there is a way!
MissUniverse - Just remember one thing...with todays herb prices, a loss of $100 bucks worth of seed is small compared to the cost of an ounce of weed. So as long as you pull 2oz within a few grows you haven't lost a thing. Please don't give up! Where there is a will, there is a way!
This is very true, I am going to try even when I feel like giving up. I am like that one friend everyone has... It takes them a while to get it right, but once they do. They just take off running. Forrest Gump style (I hope).
2oz would be more than a happy yield for me to get, I am hoping that once the gal takes off, she just goes fast. I'm getting impatient to taste the fruits of my labor (or should I saw the flowers?)
thank you for the encouragement thus far. As you can see, this round im trying a more "durable" strain so I can grow something that takes the abuse more consistently from grow to grow (as evidenced by the sheer number of people who point out the vitality of NL).
i agree with @912GreenSkell DONT GIVE UP! im sure your persistence and patience will pay off greatly
Thank you as well. I get disappointed and I do shoot off my mouth, but as is many different philosophics say, actions speak louder than words. And my actions are proof to my dedication to the undertaking (I hope). It gets tough though and drains on you mentally when it's just "more fuel to the fire"... Or should I say a lack of fuel for the pipe :)

The odd/funny thing is that I've had an easy time doing some very "fantastical"/difficult things. Yet somehow, this seems to be harder than any of that... Although, maybe I just don't remember how hard it was when I first attempted other projects/goals.
This is very true, I am going to try even when I feel like giving up. I am like that one friend everyone has... It takes them a while to get it right, but once they do. They just take off running. Forrest Gump style (I hope).
2oz would be more than a happy yield for me to get, I am hoping that once the gal takes off, she just goes fast. I'm getting impatient to taste the fruits of my labor (or should I saw the flowers?)
thank you for the encouragement thus far. As you can see, this round im trying a more "durable" strain so I can grow something that takes the abuse more consistently from grow to grow (as evidenced by the sheer number of people who point out the vitality of NL).

Thank you as well. I get disappointed and I do shoot off my mouth, but as is many different philosophics say, actions speak louder than words. And my actions are proof to my dedication to the undertaking (I hope). It gets tough though and drains on you mentally when it's just "more fuel to the fire"... Or should I say a lack of fuel for the pipe :)

The odd/funny thing is that I've had an easy time doing some very "fantastical"/difficult things. Yet somehow, this seems to be harder than any of that... Although, maybe I just don't remember how hard it was when I first attempted other projects/goals.

As soon as I can borrow my friends internet stick I will go through all of you posts and see if I can offer a bit more advice(worst internet possible here makes threads very hard to load). I have always found that finding somebodies thread that is doing well and using similar setup is a great way to go to getting a successful grow asap. When I started my setup last season, it was because of guys grows here that I decided I was going to buy leds despite height limitations. A few guys had similar sized setups(Jackmc, GreenJeans) and were running 100X3w leds quite well, so I decided to give it a go. Thanks to detailed journals even with feed errors on my end, I have been able to pull 2oz on every plant grown under the mars and galaxy lights. Though I have lots of experience growing outdoors with photos, autos are a whole other learning experience for me as well as the new light tech in a cramped setup.

Here is my germination method that has worked extremely well for many years.

Dampen 5 sheets of paper towel with warm water and fold over. Put on a ceramic plate in a ziplock bag. Put into the growroom at ideally 80-85 degrees. Assuming seeds are fresh and good the seed shells should split within 12-20 hours. As soon as the tails have grown 1/8" they will go in the dirt.
Ive used many, many mediums over the years. These days I am using straight Promix HP which is very loose and will dry out quickly. Heavier soils like black earth(generic topsoil from my first auto grow this winter) will need to be watered at different ratios than promix. So anyways using completely dry promix I spray with a standard spray bottle 100 times to wet the top layer evenly. Then I pilot a hole with a nail about 1/4" deep and drop the seed in tip up. Then I will take a bit of dirt(no perlite or stick pieces) and sprinkle to fill in the hole over the seed. A few more sprays lightly from the spray bottle seals the deal, and 24 hours I expect to see the seed popping up. If shell casings are on the plants once they break the soil surface, I remove them asap carefully with a pair of tweezers. Then I keep on the spray bottle for the next 4-5 days. I have super dry environment(20-28%RH) so I have to keep up on the sprays. I need to do 40 sprays every 12 hours. Keeping the surface damp, but not continually making the medium wet.

Hope this helps. Seedlings are at their most vulnerable in their young state!
Don't even worry about seedling size! .My Auto ultimate was so disappointingly small I almost tossed it! It was the most microscopic sprout I've ever had. Yet, it became a monster giving up 305 grams dry!

I think the biggest problem for people sprouting seed is temperature control. I get my best sprouts in paper towel, but the key is to store it at a temp of 74-80F. Keep them at this temp until sprouted.

My method:

I wet a paper towel, and squeeeze out the excess moister. I flatten the towel and fold it once in half. I place the seeds on the towel and fold it closed once. I place the towel in a sandwich bag unsealed. I find a box or whatever that I can stand the bag upright in. Why? To make the taproot grow downwards and fairly straight! I use an old Mazza cracker box as a snawich bag fits well standing up in it. i wedge the bag in place with paper cups or whatever is handy, a wad of newspaper, etc.
I wrap it in a towel and put it in the grow tent. The towel keeps out light and helps keep an even temperature.
with good seed my success rate is 99%, and I've germed hundreds of seeds this way. Direct to soil success rate is about 70%. I've not used enough jiffy pellets/root riots to say accurately, but my success rate with them so far is about 80%

I only pre-soak for 4-8 hours. Too long and you can drown the seeds. Or you can skip the soak altogether. With a 4 hours soak, I find my seeds sprout in 24 to 48 hours usually. I've had some take 4-5 days. Check them daily and once you have about an inch of taproot, plant them
Don't even worry about seedling size! .My Auto ultimate was so disappointingly small I almost tossed it! It was the most microscopic sprout I've ever had. Yet, it became a monster giving up 305 grams dry!

I think the biggest problem for people sprouting seed is temperature control. I get my best sprouts in paper towel, but the key is to store it at a temp of 74-80F. Keep them at this temp until sprouted.

My method:

I wet a paper towel, and squeeeze out the excess moister. I flatten the towel and fold it once in half. I place the seeds on the towel and fold it closed once. I place the towel in a sandwich bag unsealed. I find a box or whatever that I can stand the bag upright in. Why? To make the taproot grow downwards and fairly straight! I use an old Mazza cracker box as a snawich bag fits well standing up in it. i wedge the bag in place with paper cups or whatever is handy, a wad of newspaper, etc.
I wrap it in a towel and put it in the grow tent. The towel keeps out light and helps keep an even temperature.
with good seed my success rate is 99%, and I've germed hundreds of seeds this way. Direct to soil success rate is about 70%. I've not used enough jiffy pellets/root riots to say accurately, but my success rate with them so far is about 80%

I only pre-soak for 4-8 hours. Too long and you can drown the seeds. Or you can skip the soak altogether. With a 4 hours soak, I find my seeds sprout in 24 to 48 hours usually. I've had some take 4-5 days. Check them daily and once you have about an inch of taproot, plant them

Similar germ techniques! I also have a 99% germ rate. I am liking the stand upright part, will have to start doing that next time I am starting seeds!

You are right...small sprout doesn't mean small plant! My outdoor blueberry was the smallest of the lot during sprouting last season, and we all know how big she got by the end of harvest(5+lbs)
As normal it has been a few days for me to reply. I have been focusing my energy on the plant and keeping it as healthy as possible. it is doing okay but i see no fan leaves yet which I would have thought would be growing by now. I guess she's going to be a slower starter.
I'm considering taking a small pot and just doing a plant and stunting its growth so I can get something while I'm waiting for the bigger one to finish.
my germ method is similar to those. But i just have had bad luck just because I'm new to it all.
I will update a photo and reply further in the next 24 hours. Busy day today.