i get it may be hard but isnt there really some guide that you can follow so it will be perfect/near pefect every time?
like, exact amounts of nutrients added to water, how ofter given water and how much etc
or is it really that different each seed/strain that you need to do every step differently each run? not to mean to be arrogant but the stressing doesnt seem really hard putting the plant on some hanger/clinger and adding scrog too doesnt seem really hard
Honestly, no, there never is. Cannabis is very easy to grow - once you know EXACTLY how to do it, you'll be able to do it drunk, high, while not having slept for a week.
But all environments are different. Just one example: water. In my "new" apartment, we have "good enough to give to your baby" level water. In my old apartment, it was "meh, it's fine" quality. At my mom's place, their water quality is 1% away from being out of the legal thresholds, because it's so dirty.
Just the water quality will make a huge difference for feeding, so you'll have to try for yourself, find the right way to do it specifically for your location (even depending on how old/rusty (if metal) your water pipes are), and then improve on that, iterate on that each time, get better each time.
And then there's air. And humidity. And light. And different strains. And different phenos. And and and and and.
Seriously man, I get it, I would ask the same question - can't you just give me, like, "the definitive guide" to follow?
Yeah, it's out there - just not in one piece. Read Cervantes books. Read other books. Read this entire forum. Watch videos on Youtube if you like. Grow for 20 years. There's your guide
Nah man, just give it a go. Pick good seeds (high yield, with the taste and strength you like, that are easy to grow according to the seedbank you get them from), buy equipment you feel comfortable using (soil and such mediums are VERY forgiving, DWC and others DO NOT FORGIVE, DO NOT FORGET - they require CONSTANT RIGOROUS checking), and just try growing normal plants. You WILL run into issues even with just that. And hey, if you don't, awesome! But if you do, as you will, well, learn from it. And if you're really committed and really into it, you'll be surprised at how good you and your plants will be soon enough.
As the youngins say... you gotta git gud.
EDIT: Personally, I "grew up" with Jorge Cervantes and his works, he's an old school High Times (iirc) guy, and their grow editor or something... he made the "Ultimate Grow" series of videos, and he wrote the "Jorge Cervantes - Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor-Outdoor Medical Growers Bible.pdf"... those would be a good start, and you learn just about everything from there. But it's old now, the old editions didn't mention LEDs for example, but yeah, the general idea is still the same as it always was - be good to the plant and the plant will be good to you.
Oh, and as for the "not seeming hard" part... look man, when you watch a chess grandmaster win a match, it looks easy. When Tyson fucked people up - easy. When 420AF grows kilos on a single plant - easy. You catch my drift. Grandmasters always make that which they're grandmasters at look easy. Don't be fooled, it's not because it's easy, it's because they know their shit in and out.