Indoor Growing Scrog

I didn’t do a very good job matching these 2 Glueberries up when I first flattened them out a month ago so did some rearranging last week. They looked fine when I first scrogged them but as you can see the late bloomer on the left preflowered a little longer and grew out of her space. I didn’t think I was doing her justice by keeping her in the 24x24” area she was growing in so I cut her away from her tent mate, stripped her down, set up another simple hydro unit and spread her out in a 32x32” tent. Now she has room to develop properly and blossom into her full potential.









And here she is today


Set up her old tent mate to finish up by herself.



The ladies all look spotless ;) , It's handy you had the space to give that G.Berry more room, she'll be much happier now and that D.Lime on day 61 is definitely showing monster potential. :toke:
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The ladies all look spotless ;) , It's handy you had the space to give that G.Berry more space, she'll be much happier now and that D.Lime on day 61 is definitely showing monster potential. :toke:
Thanks @DOA! :thumbsup:
My Daiquiri Lime is turning into a beast. :mrgreen:
I’m actually in the middle of schwazzing her for the 3rd time and it looks like it’s going to take me at least a few hours before I can see light at the end of the tunnel. :nono:
I didn’t do a very good job matching these 2 Glueberries up when I first flattened them out a month ago so did some rearranging last week. They looked fine when I first scrogged them but as you can see the late bloomer on the left preflowered a little longer and grew out of her space. I didn’t think I was doing her justice by keeping her in the 24x24” area she was growing in so I cut her away from her tent mate, stripped her down, set up another simple hydro unit and spread her out in a 32x32” tent. Now she has room to develop properly and blossom into her full potential.

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And here she is today
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Set up her old tent mate to finish up by herself.
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This is exactly what makes you stand out for me personally mate... (besides your solid way of 'scrog-growing') You understand when plants tell you something, in this case, hey I'm too big to be standing next to my short sister, and you act swiftly to give her what she needs. In my opinion this is what distinguish a good grower from an expert grower!:toke:
That middle growth in the Auto Glueberry OG looks weird, did it came from under the net? (hence the difference in flowering maturity)

The Auto Ultimates look proper mate, one smaller phenotype and a few of the bigger ones, is that correct?
And like I expected, the Auto Daiquiri Lime is going to be a monster!! :woohoo1:

Keep it up my man, it's a privilege to see you grow our stuff!

Much respect, peace out Antonio :baked:
This is exactly what makes you stand out for me personally mate... (besides your solid way of 'scrog-growing') You understand when plants tell you something, in this case, hey I'm too big to be standing next to my short sister, and you act swiftly to give her what she needs. In my opinion this is what distinguish a good grower from an expert grower!:toke:

That middle growth in the Auto Glueberry OG looks weird, did it came from under the net? (hence the difference in flowering maturity)

The Auto Ultimates look proper mate, one smaller phenotype and a few of the bigger ones, is that correct?
And like I expected, the Auto Daiquiri Lime is going to be a monster!! :woohoo1:

Keep it up my man, it's a privilege to see you grow our stuff!

Much respect, peace out Antonio :baked:
Thanks Antonio!
Appreciate the compliments my friend. :lol:
Would have been a shame to leave that big beautiful Glueberry stuck in the small space she was in. Now she has the room to spread out and also much easier to prune and maintain her canopy with the larger tent. Had a extra light for her but had to buy the tent… figured it was well worth the $55 to finish up a plant that should be over a pound and I didn’t feel bad knowing I can easily piss away $50 on a mediocre meal for the kids. :rolleyes1: lol!
The premature kola sites you see in the middle of the canopy are the last remaining nodes that always shoot up around the 4th week of flower. With the way I scrog I’m able to get the smallest nodes on the plant that are usually picked off or amount to nothing turn into huge kolas. Helps maximize the full potential of the plants and definitely increases yields.
The 3 Ultimates do seem like they’re doing well so far. 🤞Was a little late scrogging the last one that I originally planned on growing naturally but she should still produce more than if I just left her the way she was.
Your Daiquiri Lime is a beast! She’s guzzling down 3 gallons a day already and I assume she’ll be needing 4 gallons by the time she really starts to flower. She actually could have filled a 36x36” tent from wall to wall with how big she is. Going to be a lot of work bringing her to the finish line. :nono:
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Haha the choices in life we have to make... but I totally feel ya, would probably have done the same! :crying:
And in the end you will reap the benefits from it anyway, so treat them to a nice dinner once everything is done yeah?

The Auto Daiquiri Lime will be some work indeed :rofl: but it will be a great show for us to watch! :yay:
Keep it up bro! :baked:
Currently going through the phase of the grow where a lot of heavy defoliation needs to be done and for me to achieve maximum yield and potential the plants requires 3-5 leaf strips (schwazzings) during their life cycle, depending on cultivar. This post will give you an example of how much time and work is involved in growing plants like this successfully.
I’ve already schwazzed most of these plants 3 times already and still have one or two more to go. The last couple of heavy defoliations are always the most time consuming as the buds/kolas are delicate and frosty by then... I do my best to avoid brushing up against them but practically impossible when you’re trying to pluck leaves towards the bottom of the canopy. :sadcry:

Night Owl Bubble Gum Queen
4th and final schwazz took me 70 minutes
Before schwazz




Dutch Passion Glueberry
4th schwazz and possibly one more to go
(135 minutes)



Dutch Passion Auto Ultimates second schwazz (135 minutes)





Night Owl ZMango 3rd schwazz (90 minutes)


Dutch Passion Daiquiri Lime second schwazz still needs to be done :nono:
(estimated time 4 hours)
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Currently going through the phase of the grow where a lot of heavy defoliation needs to be done and for me to achieve maximum yield and potential each plant requires 3-5 leaf strips (schwazzings) during their life cycle depending on cultivar. This post will give you an example of how much time and work is involved in growing plants like this successfully.
I’ve already schwazzed most of all these plants 3 times already and still have one or two more to go. The last couple of heavy defoliations are always the most time consuming as the buds/kolas are already delicate and frosty by then... I do my best to avoid brushing up against them but practically impossible when you’re trying to pluck leaves towards the bottom of the canopy. :sadcry:

Night Owl Bubble Gum Queen
4th and final schwazz took me 70 minutes
Before schwazz
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Dutch Passion Glueberry
4th schwazz and possibly one more to go
(135 minutes)
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Dutch Passion Auto Ultimates second schwazz (135 minutes)
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Night Owl ZMango 3rd schwazz (90 minutes)
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Dutch Passion Daiquiri Lime second schwazz still needs to be done :nono:
(estimated time 4 hours)
View attachment 1664860
Simply magnificent work!
Currently going through the phase of the grow where a lot of heavy defoliation needs to be done and for me to achieve maximum yield and potential each plant requires 3-5 leaf strips (schwazzings) during their life cycle depending on cultivar. This post will give you an example of how much time and work is involved in growing plants like this successfully.
I’ve already schwazzed most of all these plants 3 times already and still have one or two more to go. The last couple of heavy defoliations are always the most time consuming as the buds/kolas are already delicate and frosty by then... I do my best to avoid brushing up against them but practically impossible when you’re trying to pluck leaves towards the bottom of the canopy. :sadcry:

Night Owl Bubble Gum Queen
4th and final schwazz took me 70 minutes
Before schwazz
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Dutch Passion Glueberry
4th schwazz and possibly one more to go
(135 minutes)
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Dutch Passion Auto Ultimates second schwazz (135 minutes)
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Night Owl ZMango 3rd schwazz (90 minutes)
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Dutch Passion Daiquiri Lime second schwazz still needs to be done :nono:
(estimated time 4 hours)
View attachment 1664860
That's a shit load of maintenance.
Go you 👏