Outdoor Growing Oak trees with Watermelons in Michigan

Hey best of luck on this years grow. I love your grow space:toke::karmacloud::goodluck:
Working in the garden getting my 1st rack of trellises done the nights are still getting really cold but these girls are ready to go outdoors maybe another week I have an ak47 that is taking forever in flower that may go out 1st for a test plant to see if they can handle the temperature drop at night.
Had a decent frost Wednesday night that wasn't supposed to happen but weather looks to only dip down to 37 degrees F over the next week so ! last year I looked it up I planted may 6th so I hope I don't have to wait that long I'm itching.
Man I'm about ready to plant. I'm too congested inside n my autos are suffering from too many plants too little room syndrome. I've been tied up with the mephisto battle n now joined the second leg of the light battle I'm just really ready to get back outdoors n grow some good old outdoor n forget the hype n go go go of the autoflowers put her back in slow motion do some high stress training n bang out a few monsters that will take care of me for the year again.
Tuned in! i love outdoor grows! Wish i wasnt in the middle of town and living next to a cop and a fire inspector :pass:. Im in Colorado but the rules are strict on being fully enclosed grow space. Cant wait to see the harvest and grow in general!:cheers::vibe:
Yeah as far as I've read on Michigan law as long as u can't see them from the road without visual aid n their is some sort of security set up it's all good. I use the fence n lock with security cameras that notify me via email n text with motion sensors I also have a huge pit bull n I'm a hillbilly which naturally detours people away lol. Having 10 archers of land n my neighbors are a half mile away helps a lot too.
In dirt in Michigan 5-3-19 watch out cause I'm about to grow monsters. My honest to God expected yield is an absolute minimum of 12 pounds. My phone wont let me post pics now no internet in the country but I'll post pics soon
Moving along growth has been slow due to some cold temps and a night of frost brought out some colors but were coming out of the crapy weather n growth should take off here soon the acdc have been very tough n fast growing plants. The C99 have been the slowest the OG kush has been doing pretty good n my bag seeds of honeysuckle are still impressing me !
I topped all but 3 of them 2 days ago n will b training them over the summer using lst and supercropping I hope to keep them around 6 to 8 ft tall at most but 10ft diameter is what I'm shooting for.