Outdoor Growing in the UK desert.

really giving it big ones in the uk. top class and fairplay. a fair challenge. enjoy ur fruits and happy growing ;)

Thanks dude! I actually have pretty good growing conditions for 5 months of the year, with a lot of sun and 30C+ temps during the summer. It's the people in the north of the country, and the east/west coasts that have bigger problems when it comes to rain, cooler temps & budrot. Thankfully I am in a relatively dry, warm spot. Winters can get cold here though.

My Quick Critical wasn't germinated until after the summer solstice, in the last week of June, but she has grown to 8 feet plus now, in the space of 10 weeks. Part of that is down to the quality of the genetics, but part of it is down to the climate. It's not too bad here. I can put plants out in mid March here, not that they would grow that much, until mid April. :thumbsup:
As has been the case with my recent updates, I am still some time behind... by about 7-10 days... all my autos came down in the last week of August.

Here are some White Widow XXL buds, a few days after I had harvested the main coala. I have to say this is one of the frostiest plants I have ever grown, the pictures do not do it justice. Not a single spec of mould either! And seed to harvest in 60 days! Yes you heard that right, that monster took 60 days seed to harvest, outdoors! Here she is a few days after the first chop, with the main coala missing...







Smallest WW XXL side branch...

Blue Kush auto (harvested at 65 days old)
This bitch stinks like a rotten skunk! And of berries!







This is what was left after amputating the main coala on the Blue Kush auto... I let these side branch nugs go another couple of days before cutting them last day of August.

Caterpillars have been a thorn in my side, in recent weeks. They seem to tunnel into the buds, which then leads to rot forming as well. No idea what type this is? Can anyone identify it. I have pulled maybe 15 of the fuckers off my plants since late August alone. This one has been tucking into a Critical+ 2.0 auto...


I can't fit an update in for the Quick Critical, due to the 15 pic limit, so it looks like I will have to do that separately...
Awesome job bud, that white widow looks amazing!
As has been the case with my recent updates, I am still some time behind... by about 7-10 days... all my autos came down in the last week of August.

Here are some White Widow XXL buds, a few days after I had harvested the main coala. I have to say this is one of the frostiest plants I have ever grown, the pictures do not do it justice. Not a single spec of mould either! And seed to harvest in 60 days! Yes you heard that right, that monster took 60 days seed to harvest, outdoors! Here she is a few days after the first chop, with the main coala missing...

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Smallest WW XXL side branch...
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Blue Kush auto (harvested at 65 days old)
This bitch stinks like a rotten skunk! And of berries!

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This is what was left after amputating the main coala on the Blue Kush auto... I let these side branch nugs go another couple of days before cutting them last day of August.
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Caterpillars have been a thorn in my side, in recent weeks. They seem to tunnel into the buds, which then leads to rot forming as well. No idea what type this is? Can anyone identify it. I have pulled maybe 15 of the fuckers off my plants since late August alone. This one has been tucking into a Critical+ 2.0 auto...

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I can't fit an update in for the Quick Critical, due to the 15 pic limit, so it looks like I will have to do that separately...

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I was just scouting the outdoor section for ideas on what to grow next season, and I came across your thread. :drool:
Bravo squire. :clapper:
Great journal, reminds me of when I started many moons ago, climbing trees. cutting the tops out, and nailing pots to branches. A bit of a balls ache, but fairly fullproof way of hiding a grow.
You seem to have it nailed, top growing
I was just scouting the outdoor section for ideas on what to grow next season, and I came across your thread. :drool:
Bravo squire. :clapper:
Great journal, reminds me of when I started many moons ago, climbing trees. cutting the tops out, and nailing pots to branches. A bit of a balls ache, but fairly fullproof way of hiding a grow.
You seem to have it nailed, top growing

Cheers dude! Definitely doing a couple more baskets next year. It's kind of fun and a little bit different, but I found out the hard way this year... that slugs and snails can still access the plants. I lost 2 of my 3 baskets during the first week after plant out. How they managed to slither up the tree, down the branches, and down the basket's chains to the plants is crazy, but it seems they can. Never had that issue last year!

Looking forward to next season already. Autos all the way for me! Only got the one photoperiod out this year...

All the best!
Yet another late update! Still a good week or so behind here...

Here is the Quick Critical, about 2 weeks or so into flower... budding up very quick, true to it's name...







This should be done by around 10th October, given that it only takes around 6 weeks to flower. Can't wait to chop this girl. She was a late plant out which wasn't even germinated until 22nd June, but the growth has been explosive and she has been super vigorous! Very quick to bud up as well... :woohoo:

And here are some side branch shots from that White Widow XXL...



And the stem...

And some more bud shots from the Blue Kush auto...




Another update coming tomorrow hopefully, as I have not visited the plot in around a week, or so... :thumbsup:
Not canna related, but thought I would share some of my other work this season...

Apache 1.jpg

Apache 2.jpg




Padron 1.jpg

Padron 3.jpg

Padron 2.jpg

Purple Tiger 1.jpg

Purple Tiger 2.jpg

Serrano 1.jpg

Serrano 2.jpg

T Perfume 1.jpg

T Perfume 2.jpg


In other news, I have the remnants of a hurricane about to hit in the next 24 hours... with wind speeds around 60mph, so I best get out to the plot tomorrow and anchor down that Quick Critical, as I can see it snapping under such force from the wind.

Another update coming tomorrow...
Not canna related, but thought I would share some of my other work this season...

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In other news, I have the remnants of a hurricane about to hit in the next 24 hours... with wind speeds around 60mph, so I best get out to the plot tomorrow and anchor down that Quick Critical, as I can see it snapping under such force from the wind.

Another update coming tomorrow...
Love it man, always interesting to see what people are up to non canna related.
Feeling the wind here too, I've given up trying to keep my sunflowers upright now. Just gotta let the wind pass then see what can be salvaged.


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