4 plants like that in the back yard would probably have the cops at your door and pulling them lol Plants must be hidden from your neighbors and public views at all times
Lol I just love the legal plants thing I always worried the smell of my smoking and growing maybe bug neighbors when this summer hit I walk out side bam neighbors got 2 clones out on banister. It waslike a weight off my shoulders, look too the right and noticed my other neighbor has 4 monster's in his garden and I know my neighbor across the street smokes too now, I always kept to myself bought house 6 yrs ago never more then waived said hi now I get high with all of them who knew legalization would bring communitys together haha
Also can start a community plant watch for all those Thieves lol
That's similar to around me, I knew of one other person growing in my neighbourhood previous years. Now this year like half the houses have a couple plants going haha
It's going to be a danky fall breeze this year:smoking:
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