Indoor Grow one with FD

Hey guys i had a few min to stop in and say hello. Things are OK for the time being and i should be back on tue or wed this week. I cant tell you how much all the karma, prayers, and good vibes have helped.

I will say that the reason that i left was i had some family issues that i needed to be with my family. So i am with them now and things seem to be better but we all know its the beginning of the end for my 89 y/o grandfather. Again thank you all so much and as soon as i am home ill get some updates.

WVR im here in the great state mate with the fam wish i had more time and we could burn one
Thanks FD. I just lost my Grandmother in June and it was very tough. Still is... I understand what you are going through and I will be sending you constant positive vibes and Karma. Mrs. Reb wants me to tell you that it's never the end brother... We'll be burning some Assassin for you tonight and sending good energy your way. Stay up bro. :smokebuds:
yeah FD... definetly ALWAYS throwin good karma and vibes your way mate! My grnadmother is on her way out too... sad to watch someone you love so much degrade so slowly...

cheers gents

hey every1 new to the site and have been following u FD from rollitup and found my way here love ur stuff and after i failed a bagseed grow which i was growing outdoors with out researching first i have decided to read read and read for months and soak in as much as i can i have sum autos comin and i just had an idea i wanted to run past every 1 about a watering system i have in mind k heres my idea im thinkin to set up a IV like system which would intail a contious but small flow of water goin directly into the soil now my concern would be over watering u think the plants could handle this or would it stress the plant or drown it out
thank you and glad i found this place
Welcome aboard, TFA! You will probably get better responses if you start a new thread about this rather than posting it here. Are you growing outdoors or will your indoor grow be left unattended for long periods? Just wondering why you're interested in a drip system. The ones I've seen with soil applications are usually run with a timer. You figure out through trial and error when and for how long the pump needs to run. A continuous drip for soil sounds like a recipe for root rot. I would suggest looking into some sort of wicking system.