Mephisto Genetics Grow No.3 - Mephisto Alien vs Triangle, BioTabs, Cobs & a Hippy :)

Is it the top two chillies on tabs mate? And what Afghan red flowers!? Looking good.

I'm nearly there with the ghetz COB grow setup, been busy bro not had much chance to sort, but tent is all prepped, light hanging with jack chain, got a 5gal fabric pot and coco plus rockwool cube. Think I'll be sowing the blue mystic next couple of days!
Is it the top two chillies on tabs mate? And what Afghan red flowers!? Looking good.

I'm nearly there with the ghetz COB grow setup, been busy bro not had much chance to sort, but tent is all prepped, light hanging with jack chain, got a 5gal fabric pot and coco plus rockwool cube. Think I'll be sowing the blue mystic next couple of days!

Correct sir, top two lol.

Come on mate! Big red flowers. Afghanistan. Very relaxing. Begins with an "O" lol.
Lol mate its n
Those chilli flowers don't look right to me, are they a special type, mate? I'd expect them to be in ones not a spray...

Garden looks lovely though, I have a very soft spot for antirrhinums!

God knows mate! I had various types of seed so they could be any type. I don't know what you mean anyway?

Thanks for the compliment. I am trying to learn.
These look a bit weird, maybe they are similar? I've never grown one so no idea what to expect!



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@Eclectic Elle Do they look more like pepper? As in pepper corns?
Possibly. From my experience of growing chillies and sweet peppers, each fruit develops on its own stalk straight up from the mother plant. One flower equals one fruit, like your picture of "candlelight" chillies shows. They need their own space lol. Your flowers look like they're on a stalk altogether. So it may well be:

This is black pepper, it grows on a vine. I learned something anyway, I thought black pepper grew on a tree...
Possibly. From my experience of growing chillies and sweet peppers, each fruit develops on its own stalk straight up from the mother plant. One flower equals one fruit, like your picture of "candlelight" chillies shows. They need their own space lol. Your flowers look like they're on a stalk altogether. So it may well be:

This is black pepper, it grows on a vine. I learned something anyway, I thought black pepper grew on a tree...

Pepper kinda looks like a tree when mature mate. Its really tall, almost like beans. I only know as i'm into thai and vietnamese cooking.

Wonder what on earth I have then?! They came in a pack of mixed chilli seeds.