This is a updated picture and is there a guide to scroging? I purchased on a gel already
Nice start! Lot more to go though, but I think if you put in the time to set this up right, you will see the reward at harvest
Well, each scrog is a bit different due to the box, so you have to get a bit creative on how to setup the mesh to tuck the colas as they grow. The most important will be to determine the best height for your mesh, but I think in your case you are lucky because you have a pretty well positioned shelf holder in the middle. That is what I would use for the mesh - maybe make it a slide-in? Should help at harvest if you could just slide the mesh out after you cut the plant. As for the mesh build itself, do a search on youtube for "micro scrog". That will give you a few tips on how to build the mesh from homedepot parts.
I would work on flush-mounting the CFLs to the ceiling of the box, you want as much headroom as you possibly can get. Right now they are hanging at the height where the mesh should be, which is too close. Even better would be to get a UFO, or some other mini grow LED. Google around, check ebay and amazon for "mini led grow light", I think you'd have better results with something like that vs the three CFLs. I see good ones around 25-45W - cheap too!
I fully agree with Joe383 and guerilla - it may be an extra effort but it will pay off well to hunt down a flat pot, something like what a bonsai tree would have. Your local homedepot -may- actually have that, but a garden store for sure. A flat pot will give you even more headspace for the plant, and if you can find one that occupies as much of the bottom surface as possible, then the plant will have multiple times the soil than with the current pot (better growth, bigger buds).When you work with such a small space, you must squeze everything to its limit.
Although the surface is white inside, I would definitely wrap the whole internal with a reflective foil, the best you can get, like on the pictures below.
This one looks like is just a plastic bin for the pot - may work:
Look how cute this is with the UFO LED.
Two LED panels, even better. Looks like a tube heater in there as well for temp control, pretty awesome: