What do you like about the grow battles? lively discussion, WITH VENDOR particicpation
Patience grass-hopper....
@jingo ..2017 was our Test year..and we were only supposed to be running the FB Battles as a test...so we ran it to see how it went with no interaction from them.
This year we are looking for vendor participation..

..support..at the very least they should be announcing the Winners and prizes in there...so..Work in progress.
What do you NOT like about the grow battles? many are just dead, no interest
Yup.the smaller ones with less support...some of them drop down to almost grow diary view stats...

..we are Looking at it..with vendor support..spot parties etc..see what we can do in 2018...what works Best..
Thing is..we don't have enough staff support to cover all of them...so we may have to look a [HASHTAG]#memberpower[/HASHTAG] driving the quiet ones.
We only have 10 battle going..we have approx 40 vendors on site..if they all asked for a battle..we would be overwhelmed...and would need to rely on [HASHTAG]#memberpower[/HASHTAG] to Support them.
[HASHTAG]#asknotwhatafncandoforyoubutwhatYoucandoforafn[/HASHTAG] we Need you to even Try to be successful with them and expand them.
Is there anything we could improve upon?less battles i think, do ANYTHING to encourage individual journals
You have free Option
@jingo coz you are the kind of grower that Naturally attracts members to your grow thread.
Unfortunately most people don't...and we see the poor noob sitting in a grow diary..how ever good or bad..talking to themselves.
It is the least to say disheartening for them...because they don't know that the only way to get anyone to visit an individual grow diary is to go out and visit other diaries and make Friends who want to Visit you.
Setting them up in a battle gives the the opportunity to be in a mass grow and make Friends..who will be willing to participate when they do go for individual grows.
Make Friends First..before you attempt an individual diary...the Battles give them that chance

Is there anything we should look into changing? The changes are excessive already, especially if your a medical user with a complicated life, we need safety, comfort, companionship not excessive change
Are the rules clear and concise?this week yes, next week who knows, i really cant keep up
Should settle down 2018

..we had to be reactive 2017.
Nobody has done Battles before...didn't know if it would work..so we were working off the top of our heads
Imagine putting 40 competitive growers together in a Battle..any other site you would get past the first week without it being a blood bath...so we weren't even sure if we could pull it off...

..'til we Tried it.