I was not trying to register the software, I was just opening the registration dialog and clicking OK in it, however in 4.0.8 this looks to have been fixed.I dont' see this happening... It registers fine for me. can you give me a few screenshots?
Functions Tab: Mouse over info incorrect on Finances / Patients and Document Library buttons.
Text missing at bottom: Still working out how to reproduce it...

This next one is just needs some rewording imho.
Maybe something like:
"The Shareware version is limited to a total of 3 records."
"If you want to track more records you would need to purchase a license for the software."

Make it so the software uses the Computer time/date when it loads, every time I open the software I get the following.

"Pick your room ID" (from New Plant button) needs a drop down selector so one can select a room that is already in the software.

From here on I will send you bug reports via private messages and/or emails so I don't make a huge mess of this thread
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