Old Reviews Grow Assistant

Regarding the program "sending" information. As mentioned above there was a time "pre version 4.0 I believe" where anonymous data was sent back to me so I could judge how people were using the software. Understandably this was met with some distain so I turned all that off.

"Turned all that off", so I take it you didn't remove it, you simply disabled it and can turn it back on whenever you feel like it.

P.S. overall your software looks good in the short time I have had to play with it :)
If you would like to do yourself a little talk through...advert...for your system..
Please feel Free...
We Really appreciate the Personal Touch here.

I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean here?

---------- Post added 11-02-2011 at 04:09 PM ----------

regarding your post above,

I'll have to re-read this to understand but I will respond tonight (hopefully)

"Turned all that off", so I take it you didn't remove it, you simply disabled it and can turn it back on whenever you feel like it.

P.S. overall your software looks good in the short time I have had to play with it :)

If you've ever worked in Filemaker I effectively "removed" it by removing the 'web portal' that allowed the software to call home.

of course don't take my word for it, I suggest that everyone sniff their own traffic to ensure I'm telling the truth! (currently on a mac the license is still verified via a php call, this will be halted in the next release.

---------- Post added 11-02-2011 at 04:10 PM ----------

Here's the free program which i think the paid one copied blatantly imo. http://herbiq.codeplex.com/. It's called HerbIQ it has all the features above except it only runs on windows i believe.

Update: Runs on linux/mac via silverlight

We are all entitled to our opinion, even when it's not correct.
Greetings and welcome geekygrower :)

Firstly thank you for your help in getting the software to start.

Now I have a few other issues I would like to bring to your attention:
The first one had me staring at the software scratching my head for a few minutes, would turn many people off this software if they experienced the same and had little computer experience.

So after deleting everything I could find on my computer that had anything to do with Grow Assistant I downloaded the software again from the site and installed it.
I started the software and got: (I get this every time I open the software)
View attachment 38251

I clicked "System Settings"
Then got:
View attachment 38252

Clicked OK and got:
View attachment 38253

I got a little excited thinking I was going to get some data to help me use the software.
So I clicked "Yes" and was presented with:
View attachment 38254

If sample data only comes with the paid for software then you should remove that popup from trial software.
And after clicking OK you get:
View attachment 38255
No other popups or instructions, it just sits there like that, not good, not good at all.
This only happens if you click "YES" to get sample data, if you click "NO" on the "get sample data" popup then the software setup instructions continue as normal.

And after a few more clicks I was set to play
View attachment 38256

Played around for a bit, then closed the software and had the following jammed in my face:
View attachment 38259

So does the above popup occur every time you close the software in the paid for version?

Wow, thanks! You've found a bug!

I will have this fixed in version 4.08. I should have this out tomorrow

---------- Post added 11-02-2011 at 04:30 PM ----------

also, can I get a mod to approve my posts? I don't want to be labeled a spammer. I came on here to answer any questions anyone might have but since this software is not free I don't want to be accused of trying to spam the board.

If you've ever worked in Filemaker I effectively "removed" it by removing the 'web portal' that allowed the software to call home.

of course don't take my word for it, I suggest that everyone sniff their own traffic to ensure I'm telling the truth! (currently on a mac the license is still verified via a php call, this will be halted in the next release.

TY, that's good enough for me :)

Now a few more :P
From your privacy policy:
This program has 2 users included. 1. Grower - this is the account that is used if you wish to use a password. 2. Backdoor, This is special account that has a unique password for each customer. This account can only be accessed by GeekyGrower Products and is used SOLEY for the purpose of helping customers pull data out of the software if they have forgotten their password. -- Local access to the program files is needed to use the backdoor account

And this from your site:

Right in the Grow Assistant

A backdoor is never ever good, if someone looses their password well it's really their own fault.

And this advertising thing, do you intend to put AD's into the software?
TY, that's good enough for me :)

Now a few more :P
From your privacy policy:

And this from your site:
View attachment 38261

A backdoor is never ever good, if someone looses their password well it's really their own fault.

And this advertising thing, do you intend to put AD's into the software?

Interesting... I created the back door account because I had so many users forgetting their passwords... However, over the last several months those request have died off...

This account only works with the .MED files
Filemaker Runtime (the software used to run the GrowAssistant) doesn't allow for incoming network calls - so therefore the account would only be accessible local to the .MED files.

this is how it typically works.

User forgets password -- contacts me -- I have them send me all their .MED files -- I then open the files using the backdoor password -- export all their data -- send all the data back to them in the form of the .fp7 backup files.

because of this post I will remove the backdoor password from 4.08 I hope everyone can understand why I originally did this.

Advertising was scrapped. I have removed this from the website. I originally toyed with idea of providing a free version that was fully ad supported. This was never implemented into the software.
Excellent, looks like you may get some of my cash soon :)
I do understand why it is in there but for many people it would look like a possible security issue.

There is an "s" missing from the word "this" in the Date Flowered mouse-over text :P

"List View" does not seem to work at all:

Mouse-over "Users" / "Strains" / "Seeds" = "Change your password"

And after a backup, the popup has:
"All data has been backed up"
"Please move this data to a safe place before upgrade your software"
It should read:
"All data has been backed up"
"Please move this data to a safe place before upgrading your software"

Mouse-over Plant Position on Totals/Functions and you get "Projected date to flush. This is based on the Days to Flower-Days to Flush"

Totals/Functions tab and click the "?" next to Plant Strain and you will get the following popup, notice the sentence comes to a rapid halt...

Click Functions tab, then click About / Register, in the window that opens under "Disclaimer" it has:
This software is for legal use only. The author does not condone and cannot be held
And that's all there is, it just ends, me thinks some text is missing.

Also click Register Software and in the Enter License popup just click the OK button and you will get Registration Successful, thank you for registering the Grow Assistant.
The software stays in trial mode however :)
I know I am being picky but that's just me

Clone Numbering is off....see pic below:

Please also add option to use Metric (eg. Centimeters / Celsius etc) , the whole planet does not use imperial :P
Also an option to display dates as DD/MM/YYYY would be nice
Last edited by a moderator:
also, can I get a mod to approve my posts? I don't want to be labeled a
spammer. I came on here to answer any questions anyone might have but since
this software is not free I don't want to be accused of trying to spam the

You are Approved..and Most Appreciated geekygrower..:clap:

Both The Medicine Man and Me are Mods...:thumbs:
There is an "s" missing from the word "this" in the Date Flowered mouse-over text :P
View attachment 38409

"List View" does not seem to work at all:
View attachment 38443

Mouse-over "Users" / "Strains" / "Seeds" = "Change your password"

And after a backup, the popup has:
"All data has been backed up"
"Please move this data to a safe place before upgrade your software"
It should read:
"All data has been backed up"
"Please move this data to a safe place before upgrading your software"

Mouse-over Plant Position on Totals/Functions and you get "Projected date to flush. This is based on the Days to Flower-Days to Flush"

Totals/Functions tab and click the "?" next to Plant Strain and you will get the following popup, notice the sentence comes to a rapid halt...
View attachment 38429

Click Functions tab, then click About / Register, in the window that opens under "Disclaimer" it has:
This software is for legal use only. The author does not condone and cannot be held
And that's all there is, it just ends, me thinks some text is missing.

Also click Register Software and in the Enter License popup just click the OK button and you will get Registration Successful, thank you for registering the Grow Assistant.
The software stays in trial mode however :)
I know I am being picky but that's just me

I dont' see this happening... It registers fine for me. can you give me a few screenshots?

Clone Numbering is off....see pic below:
View attachment 38444

Working on fixing that now

Please also add option to use Metric (eg. Centimeters / Celsius etc) , the whole planet does not use imperial :P
Also an option to display dates as DD/MM/YYYY would be nice

This is a bit harder than you would think. I'll have to think about this one.
4.08 released

I have released a new version 4.08 that addresses all of the issue above except for
  • Metric units