New Grower Grow 3 - Whiskey Zulu - Twenty20 Mendocino (part of Grow&Show 2022)

Day 23

It's official! It's a girl!
Grow 03 Day 23b.jpg

Gave her a wee trim to allow light to get to her lower bud sites better, and topped her. Then gave her a litre of 25% mix. I also decided to reprint my LST hooks in a new translucent green PETG. These will be gradually changed over at each feed/water.
Before Grow 03 Day 23.JPG After Grow 03 Day 23a.JPG

Day 24

Changed over some more hooks. I really like how they look. As I had issues with leaves poking through the wire fan guards, and hitting the fan blades, during my last grow, I 3D Printed a new fan cover for one of the 120mm fans in the same material. I will print and change over the other one soon.
Grow 03 Day 24a.JPG
Made her a fresh batch of 25% mix (week 4) and gave her 2 litres.
Grow 03 Day 24.JPG
Day 25

Got myself a wee automatic watering pump (in case I need to go away for a few days). Instead of using a load of drippers, I 3D printed myself a wee drip ring using this design from Thingiverse. The pump is not very powerful, and takes the maximum set time (1 min 30 sec) to pump 500ml. Given how she is swinging between 1 and 2 litres a day, this device may not be suitable. Looks like I may have to come up with a different solution, but this will do for now. Ran the pump cycle twice to give 1 litre of 25% mix.
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Day 26

Only needed to run cycle once today, so she only needed 500ml of her 25% mix.
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Day 27

Ran cycle twice to give 1 litre of 25% mix.
Grow 03 Day 27.JPG
Day 28

The irrigator cannot be left to run on its own. The input and output connections on the unit are too short, so even with clips, the pipes fall off. Luckily, I was present to switch the unit off (only lost about 100ml). I now need to hold the hoses on when running the unit.
I have bought some Arduino based electronics (controller, sensors etc) to build my own automatic irrigator. It's gonna take me a wee while to work out programming though.
She took what I thought was 1.5 litres of her 25% mix today (3 runs of the irrigator). Gave her a minor trim.
Grow 03 Day 28.JPG

Day 29

So it looks like the irrigator has been pumping more than estimated as after 2 runs, there was only 1 litre left, which she will get later, so I can start her on her week 5 mix tomorrow.
Grow 03 Day 29.JPG

Time-Lapse of week 4 now live on The WeedTube

The Weed Tube is now closed. I have now uploaded a Supercut (complete Time-Lapse video) to my YouTube channel - DaveR1974 Grows.
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In case anyone is wondering why some of the plant hooks, or the other fan grille, have not been changed to green, the 3D printer is playing up. Hopefully, I am nearly finished fixing the issue.

Day 30

Week 5 25% mix made. Opened up the irrigator and disconnected the plug to the pump. Got a mini submersible pump, which I attached a Dupont connector to, fed the connection through the units' battery compartment (not used) and connected. Testing showed that it pumps 1 litre in 1 minute 30 seconds. Set the irrigator to pump every 12 hours, so 2 litres given today.
Also gave a trim to the lower branches. The smell coming from her is sweet and fresh.
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Day 31

Not much run off after the morning litre was pumped, so gave an extra litre at lunchtime. Run off after the evening litre was just the right amount. Soil monitor shows she is taking nutrients faster, so looks like I will need to set the irrigator to 8 hours. I will check after morning pump. Total of approx 3 litres of 25% mix given.

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Day 32

Hardly any run off after morning feed again, so changed irrigator to every 8 hours. The level in my reservoir is fast approaching the minimum for the submersible pump. The remaining once reached will be given via watering can instead of being pumped, whilst the next batch of water gets aerated. After tonight's pump cycle, she will have had 3 litres of 25% mix.

Just a wee close up of 1 of her bud sites
Grow 03 Day 32a.JPG
And the main view
Grow 03 Day 32.JPG
The 3D printer chaos continues. So many issues all at once. BMG extruder cogs worn out leading to filament miss feeding, now replaced. The miss feeding caused the heating block of the hot end to become covered in burnt filament, so removed, cleaned and added a silicone print head sock. Discovered there were still miss feeding issues, as the filament rolls (in a dry box) were unravelling and tangling with each other. Made adjustments to prevent this happening as much. Now, it appears the tempered glass hot bed has warped. Luckily, I had already purchased a borosilicate glass replacement, so fingers crossed, all sorted soon.

On a lighter note, 4 Avocados for £1.05 (approx US$1.41 - €1.26) at Aldi, so in the tent they go to ripen.
Grow 03 Day 34b.JPG

Now on to business...

Day 33

So it turns out the pump has not been pumping as much as estimated... well it is, but when it stops, some is back flowing into the reservoir. Ordered a check non-return valve. Once delivered, I will fit and adjust the pipes to ensure she gets her full amount. 3 pump runs of 25% mix completed.
Grow 03 Day 33.JPG Grow 03 Day 33a.JPG

Day 34

The valve should be delivered today, so should be installed before her evening water/feeding. Close-up of another bud site
Grow 03 Day 34a.JPG
And the main view
Grow 03 Day 34.JPG
Day 35

Final 2 litres of the 25% Mix given by hand (1 in the morning and the other in the evening). Following the fitting of the non-return check valve, checked how much is pumped fully through, and worked out the new pump routine will be every 6 hours (4 times a day).
Made up a fresh batch of 25% Week 5/6 mix, and started the new pump run an hour before lights out.
Grow 03 Day 35a.JPG Grow 03 Day 35.JPG

Day 36

So far, so good with the new pump schedule. First, a close up of yet another bud site
Grow 03 Day 36a.JPG
And now the main view. I can't believe how much stretch she has made in 1 week. I hope the top sites stop stretching soon. Don't want her getting too close to the light.
Grow 03 Day 36.JPG

Time-Lapse of week 5 now live on The WeedTube

The Weed Tube is now closed. I have now uploaded a Supercut (complete Time-Lapse video) to my YouTube channel - DaveR1974 Grows.
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The 3D printer chaos continues. So many issues all at once. BMG extruder cogs worn out leading to filament miss feeding, now replaced. The miss feeding caused the heating block of the hot end to become covered in burnt filament, so removed, cleaned and added a silicone print head sock. Discovered there were still miss feeding issues, as the filament rolls (in a dry box) were unravelling and tangling with each other. Made adjustments to prevent this happening as much. Now, it appears the tempered glass hot bed has warped. Luckily, I had already purchased a borosilicate glass replacement, so fingers crossed, all sorted soon.

On a lighter note, 4 Avocados for £1.05 (approx US$1.41 - €1.26) at Aldi, so in the tent they go to ripen.
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Now on to business...

Day 33

So it turns out the pump has not been pumping as much as estimated... well it is, but when it stops, some is back flowing into the reservoir. Ordered a check non-return valve. Once delivered, I will fit and adjust the pipes to ensure she gets her full amount. 3 pump runs of 25% mix completed.
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Day 34

The valve should be delivered today, so should be installed before her evening water/feeding. Close-up of another bud site
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And the main view
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I understood 3D printer, chaos, and continues :rofl:

But your Whizzy looks great, gonna be beasty AF! She’s an N hog during stretch, major stretch will stop around day 45 with a little vertical growth to day 52ish. Great log @DaveR1974 look forward to seeing the finish, you’re gonna have one sweet smelling tent!
Day 37

Still stretching
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Day 38

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Day 39

And still taller.... Uh Oh! The tops of the higher most branches are showing major leaf curl away from the light. The reservoir reached minimum level after her night pump run, so the final 2 litres will be given on Day 40 by hand. Filled up reservoir with a fresh batch of water with air stones to dechlorinate.
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Day 40

Something's changed. The smell is not sweet and fresh any more. She's starting to give off that tell-tale weed smell :biggrin: Plus, her bud sites have changed. Everything's looking on track, other than the height issue. Wish I had room for a taller tent, or that manufacturers made them taller with my current smaller footprint. As I forgot to enter details of when to add the beneficial microbes and bacteria boosts to my schedules, forgot to add them during her hand feeding/watering. I'll try to remember next time.
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Main view
Grow 03 Day 40.JPG
Day 41

Gave her trim. Reservoir filled with a fresh batch of week 6 - 25% mix and pump runs restarted.
Before trim Grow 03 Day 41.JPG After Grow 03 Day 41b.JPG Grow 03 Day 41c.JPG Grow 03 Day 41a.JPG

Day 42

As I feared, she is touching the light (3 sites) and getting burned. Emergency surgery (chopped the heads of the offending sites) performed.
In other news, finally sorted the 3D printer issues, so printed up mores hooks. The other fan cover is printed, but due to the height of the plant, I cannot swap it over yet. I've also printed a fun wee plant label holder.
One of the buds touching the light Grow 03 Day 42a.JPG The damage Grow 03 Day 42b.JPG Fun with the 3D printer Grow 03 Day 42c.JPG Main view Grow 03 Day 42.JPG

Day 43

The emergency surgery does not appear to have stressed her out any. I'm keeping a close eye on the other high branches in case she needs more beheading. I'm worse than Henry VIII :crying:
Getting too close again Grow 03 Day 43a.JPG A lower bud site Grow 03 Day 43b.JPG
Main view
Grow 03 Day 43.JPG

Time-Lapse of week 6 now live on The WeedTube

The Weed Tube is now closed. I have now uploaded a Supercut (complete Time-Lapse video) to my YouTube channel - DaveR1974 Grows.
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Day 44

Another 3 of the higher branches met, and were burned by the light, so another 3 beheadings executed :muahaha:
Main Grow 03 Day 44.JPG Touching light Grow 03 Day 44a.JPG Burned Grow 03 Day 44b.JPG A lower bud site Grow 03 Day 44c.JPG

Day 45

Final 2 litres of her week 6 - 25% mix given by hand, with a boost of beneficial microbes and bacteria (Plant Success Great White Premium Mycorrhizae)
Main Grow 03 Day 45.JPG Lower bud site Grow 03 Day 45a.JPG

Day 46

Started her on a fresh batch of week 7 - 25% mix
Main Grow 03 Day 46.JPG Higher bud site Grow 03 Day 46a.JPG

Day 47

Main Grow 03 Day 47.JPG Higher bud site Grow 03 Day 47a.JPG

Day 48

She is doing really well considering the stresses she has endured
Midway bud site Grow 03 Day 48a.JPG
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