Mephisto Genetics Gringo's perpetual Mephisto grow .... HubbaBubbaHaze harvested

My Orange Diesel is sailing along ... no issues at all. Now, at day 58, she's filling in nicely and I'm quite happy with her .... base nutrients have been slightly reduced. She's 65cm (26in) tall and 43cm (17in) wide.

01-04-005 OD.JPG

01-04-006 OD.JPG
How long have you been running the oscillating monkey fan? I debated getting one but was worried about the build quality and how long it would last for the price.

Now it‘s running for nearly a year without issues. I was worried about quality as well but everything seems to be alright. It‘s perfect for a small tent like mine.
Ghost Toof broke soil and is starting her life under her personal Cob. Sour Stomper took the topping very well and I started a light LST and leaf tucking today (day 19 from seed) ... a secondary topped itself so I will have 9 mains to play with. Next 2 weeks will be fun. I will post some pics in a couple of days.

Looking good, how is that OD smelling? I have only run a couple of seeds that have orange genetics and they were a stretch to get to an orange aroma. I like the size of the OD also (26"), as I am partial to medium and small varieties for my cabinet(s).
The Forum Stomper (day 38 from seed) also was topped above the 4th node and trained. Now she's 42cm (16,5in) tall and 48cm (19in) wide ... I guess she will finish her stretch in the late forties so there's more to come. If you plan LST on her you have to start early because growth is getting rigid quickly. In addition she is very branchy and requires a good plant management.

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I am flushing my first Forum Stomper as we speak. I will be very honest. The quality of the Forum Stomper is fing amazing looking. I will be hoarding it to myself! Seriously, it will have to be great, it is the nicest looking plant I have going. It is the shape of Sour Stomper, but with bigger buds and intense frost coverage. I will be doing more for sure. I am almost done flushing, a couple more days. Good job so far, I will be following along for the ride. Peace, slow