Indoor Greenhouse seeds Super Lemon Haze

Why is your bucket white? Light can get in! Water plus light equals algae. This is why people usually use black buckets or block light out of a white bucket with some black plastic or spray paint the outside of the bucket. You have any slime in your res yet?
Why is your bucket white? Light can get in! Water plus light equals algae. This is why people usually use black buckets or block light out of a white bucket with some black plastic or spray paint the outside of the bucket. You have any slime in your res yet?

There’s 2 layers too the bucket, the white is too reflect the light \ heat and the black bucket within blocks the light.

If ypu have plain black Poole usually wrap it with reflective material....
Why is your bucket white? Light can get in! Water plus light equals algae. This is why people usually use black buckets or block light out of a white bucket with some black plastic or spray paint the outside of the bucket. You have any slime in your res yet?
Never had algae brother and black attracts the light it does not reflect it! As automelt said, the buckets are doubled up, black on the inside with a black lid to keep the solution in the dark, white bucket and lid on the outside to reflect the light and keep the solution cool, also comes with iceline irrigation air lines which uses the same concept keeping the res cool without having to use a chiller
Never had algae brother and black attracts the light it does not reflect it! As automelt said, the buckets are doubled up, black on the inside with a black lid to keep the solution in the dark, white bucket and lid on the outside to reflect the light and keep the solution cool, also comes with iceline irrigation air lines which uses the same concept keeping the res cool without having to use a chiller
Got cha. That makes sense. My basement floor keeps my buckets temps in check so I don't have to worry. Just didn't wanna see you get slimed. If my temps get higher then the hydroguard got my back to prevent pythium (root rot). I use blue Walmart buckets I got for free. Diy project, I taped black plastic all around my buckets to keep light out of my res
Got cha. That makes sense. My basement floor keeps my buckets temps in check so I don't have to worry. Just didn't wanna see you get slimed. If my temps get higher then the hydroguard got my back to prevent pythium (root rot). I use blue Walmart buckets I got for free. Diy project, I taped black plastic all around my buckets to keep light out of my res
Thanks for looking out for me! Us DWC'ers need to stick together lol, low temps is my issue now I've changed over my lights to boards from blurple, lost 5f and now my tent is running in low 70's, prefer to have to heat the tent though then have to try to cool it
Ph 6.0
EC 1.4
Temps 72/66
RH 44

So she is becoming nicely established now, at this point when running autos it is about the time they normally take off, so I have a decision to make, do I top or not? I am leaning towards topping as don't want to let her get over 15-17 inches before flipping just in case she triples during stretch, you can see how far behind the mutant is so really not sure what to do here :shrug:



Looking good. If your going to top her you should wait til there's 5 nodes so she's well established and will recover fast
Thanks Bro, yeah she's at the fourth now so need to make the decision soon, I think I'm going to have to or I need to pull the mutant, it's one or the other!