New Grower Greenhouse experiment: how adaptable are autos??

looking good for day 33 i will get a close up snap of mine in there tmoz for comparison also what ive been doing for the smell i got a 10 ml bottle of lavender and just under the greenhouse i put a ashtray type shape tray with water in and twice a day add around 10 drops you can smell nothing else besides it i got the idea as i have a lavender plant down the bottom of the garden
Update - Quick one Day 38 - Creamatic Day 24

Well look who's decided to wake up and join the party!! The young Creamatic seems to finally be picking up her shit and doing some actually devolping, she is 24 days today and of a similar build and development to the Quick one at Day 20 ( skip back to page 5 to check it out ) so a little behind but nothing at all worrying plus she's due to run longer anyways. She has shown sex and has a couple little white hairs so I hope she hits a real growth spurt now, I'm starting to feel good about this one!!

The Quick one is doing great she just loves it in the greenhouse and relishes her days out in the Sun, she stands at 62cm and is really moving into the flowering stage with well established bud sites. The smell is getting a little stronger but not a knock out blow. The lower fan leaves that I tucked away have become useless I guess because they are yellowing up and dying off, I'm not worried about this at all as the rest of the plant seems to be thriving. Both girls will be fed tomorrow so ill post a little update then aswell.

Weather was a little overcast with evening Sun that I could take advantage of but during the days the temps where good but little direct Sun to play with. Last 2 days have been fantastic with loads of sunlight hours and I think its definitely helped the Creamatic kick off.

The mutation on the quick one is growing steady!! It is just like a Siamese twin!! A second plant growing from where the baby leaves used to be!! Crazy shit!! I'm gonna keep watching it and maybe even after I harvest the main plant see if I can keep it going and get a second micro harvest from it!! Hahaha who knows??!?!??! Certainly not me I've never seen it before

Anyways enjoy the pics guys and any feedback or comments are welcomed :pass:

farmer keep your eyes out for bud rot i had to cut top cola off one of my greenhouse plants yours has better airflow than mine being bigger so just keep checking also did you pull much off your 2 indoors
hey guys firstly my apologies for being away a while, life's been a bit mad recently and I decided a fishing trip was in order to get my head straight again!!

Update Quick one Day 49 - Creamatic Day 35

So I went away for a few much needed days of relaxing and fishing, well just have a look at what happened in the greenhouse during my absence!!!
The Creamatic has absolutely exploded into life!! I was gobsmacked when I opened the door and firstly got a nose punch from the smell of the Quick one, but when I turned around and saw the Creamatic I couldn't believe it was same plant! Let this be a lesson to all growers.... NEVER give up on the runt :growing:
The Quick one has devolved a lot of yellowing leaves, not sure if I should be worried or not so some input here would great thanks guys. She is 7 weeks old and probably only a few weeks left in her so i know some yellowing is normal but is this a lot on my plant? The buds seem good and healthy and she is up to date with all her feeds so is this just natural aging of the girl?

The mutation has grown into a perfect miniature plant and is in flower now!! Bonus buds :baked: lol

Both girls were fed yesterday , The Quick one had 2 litres ph 6.2 1.5 ml Vega 2ml bloom 1.5 ml pk13/14 1 teaspoon mollases per litre
The Creamatic had 2 litres ph 6.2 2 ml Vega 1ml bloom 1ml pk 13/14 1 tsp mollases per litre

Enjoy the pics stay lit :pass:

The Quick one has devolved a lot of yellowing leaves, not sure if I should be worried or not so some input here would great thanks guys. She is 7 weeks old and probably only a few weeks left in her so i know some yellowing is normal but is this a lot on my plant? The buds seem good and healthy and she is up to date with all her feeds so is this just natural aging of the girl?

to me she looks like, she's hungry for a bit of N..
yeah id say N def aswell mate. lookin good though. bit hungry but other than that they look pretty happy and healthy.
: )
they have exploded mate i was wondering when you would post i grow in coco but she needs calmag i think for the yellowing you want to catch it early also watch for mold in next few weeks my only bud rot was the one in greenhouse so beware it spread like mad i can live with 1 out of 5
Quick one Day 51 - Creamatic Day 37

Temps have taken a plunge and the rain has set in hard and do my girls give a fuck? No!!! Haha The Creamatic is now 2 ft tall at 5 weeks 2 days old, that's only a few inch smaller than the Quick one!! Really pleased that I stuck with her, she still grows slightly retarded with some odd leaves here and there but man is that girl shooting up now and bud sites are cropping up all over the place!

The Quick one has slowed in vertical growth now and the buds are getting nice and frosty, the smell is picking up aswell a real nice pong when I open my greenhouse door. She still looks hungry for N so I'm giving a top up feed today of 1 litre ph 6.2 1.5 ml Vega and 1 teaspoon mollases, hopefully this perks her up a little but other than that she's is doing fantastic and I couldn't be happier with how this whole experiment is panning out.

I have no fresh pics yet but ill get some to you all soon :pass:
they have exploded mate i was wondering when you would post i grow in coco but she needs calmag i think for the yellowing you want to catch it early also watch for mold in next few weeks my only bud rot was the one in greenhouse so beware it spread like mad i can live with 1 out of 5
No signs of mold yet but I'm all over that man thanks for the heads up bro