New Grower Greenhouse experiment: how adaptable are autos??

seedsman do some great offers if you pay with bitcoin you get i think 13 seeds plus freebies of your order who ever you buy off if there in the promotions i have used royal queen and discreet seeds but seedsman are my fav for free stuff and fast tracked delivery i set the bitcoin up just for future purchases i got all them for 46 quid

Absolute steal mate that's some crafty shopping, I like it!! Thanks for the tip I can't wait to go shopping now haha
Update Quick one Day 54 - Creamatic Day 40

Hey guys ill start with the Quick one, Should I be concerned about this yellowing? At the moment I'm kinda easy going about it, I've given a N top up a couple days ago so that should kick in soon I guess and hopefully green things up a little but my attitude at the moment is relaxed towards it she's only gotta 3 weeks max left to go and that's over shooting the seller's dates so as long as the buds keep developing I'm not bothered by the yellowing, but am I being naive and is this summit I need to pounce on now???? Input please guys!!!

The Creamatic is still going well and getting taller daily, now a couple of inches taller than her older sister and an all round bushier bigger looking plant, granted she ain't the best looking girl in the group with her misshapen leaves and crooked main stem and uneven shoots popping out here there and everywhere but I have a good feeling about this girl and I think she is going to deliver some knockout smoke given the right care and attention. She well into her flowering now and bud sites are taking shape nicely, I reckon she could grow another 6 or so inches yet aswell so Im hoping the retarded little runt is going to be my greenhouse monster!!!! Hahaha

Temps are on the drop now but nothing worrying and in all honestly if a blizzard hit tomorrow I reckon my girls would just carry on unphased!! As long as the skies ain't grey I get fairly good Sun in my garden all day long.

Enjoy the pics guys :pass:

Update Quick one Day 56 - Creamatic Day 42

Found mold on the quick one this morning, only a tiny bit on 1 leaf ( that's how on top of it I am!!! ) removed the whole bud as a precaution, I don't want that shit spreading!!! The rest of the bud itself after I removed the bad leaf and trimmed it down looks good so it's drying now on top of the radiator as a little tester. Everything else in the greenhouse is all good, The Creamatic is going well and still stretching with the bud sites becoming ever more established.
Both girls fed today, Creamatic 2 litres ph 6.1 2ml Vega 2ml bloom 1.5ml pk 1 tsp mollases per litre,
Quick one 1 litre ph 6.1 2.5 ml Vega 2ml bloom 1.5ml pk 1 teaspoon mollases per litre

Enjoy the pics and all comments welcome :pass:

Well spotted mate this weather is so bad I don't think we will have another year like it again I trawl another site that has a UK guerrilla grow forum and every one has had mould issues on there autos so it's not just us just keep on top of them I pray you get some good weather . Also I have my last 2 drying in brown bags and they should be in jars by tomoz plus my early ones I chopped I made bho with
Well spotted mate this weather is so bad I don't think we will have another year like it again I trawl another site that has a UK guerrilla grow forum and every one has had mould issues on there autos so it's not just us just keep on top of them I pray you get some good weather . Also I have my last 2 drying in brown bags and they should be in jars by tomoz plus my early ones I chopped I made bho with
Nice bro let me know how you've got on when you have a final dry weight. I don't know much about honey oil other than it gets you fucked and can be dangerous to make! But if you know what your doing........ Thank you bro and here's hoping your prayers bring the Sun out for me
So I just smoked my quick dried quick one tester and dya know what, I've quick dried a bud or 2 from all plants I've grown and that was by far the best!!! I've gotta nice stone on right now so I can only imagine what she's gonna be like after a couple more weeks and dried and cured properly :baked: