Day 38 for the girls, first flower dose last night at 7pm. .5ml Enhance, .25 Micro DS, .25 bloom accelerant, and .25 Brix. I go .25 on them cuz the pipette is measured that way, in quarters. I’ll post a pic later
Seed Stockers, Rucu Cucu - Day 50
M3 super soil
(1 X 3-4 days) - 2.5 gal @ pH to 6.3/6.5, EC 0.5
Green Life Biotics Amendments /per gal (Enhance @ 0.5ml, Micro@ 0.1ml, Brix@ 2ml and Accel@ 2ml)


Old Sage Seeds, Acid Patch Kids - Day 47
M3 super soil
(1 X 4-5 days) - 2.5 gal @ pH to 6.3/6.5, EC 0.5
Green Life Biotics Amendments /per gal (Enhance @ 0.5ml, Micro@ 0.1ml, Brix@ 2ml and Accel@ 2ml)

Day 52 for the tent girls, won't be long now.

Have suspended GLB for the sick one and just trying to limp her to the finish. The other 3 still on schedule. Another tray infusion this morning with the Enhance MC Kelp, PK Booster and Brix57. Will have to do another res fill this afternoon with my normal feed.
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Apologies for taking so long to update. Life's been so hectic that I couldn't keep up with this girls feed schedule. I'm pretty sure she's dead now, But I've given her another gallon of feed to see if she's still eating.
:smokeout: Hey mates! ...still on a lag here apologies,... 3 times this last week I found myself nodding off in front of the screen being just plain knackered by the time I sit down in front of the computer! :doh:... Auto's are slipping into bloom, and I still haven't even got my usual thread up yet :rofl:

Tony - the pots are slow to dry when this early in the life cycle, just how it is... I'm watering 2-3x/week, but picking up pace now. It doesn't help that the plants are not very big either, one a total runt :shrug:... The schedule/dosage I'm doing is the every other day one, but I did cheat and start LOM after week 2...
I did try a bit richer dosage because of the infrequent inputs, but the plants showed some burn so I backed off!
Otherwise I'm following the chart sched' extrapolated for the auto's life cycle.
This last week I started with Brix and Micro.

Pics from 6/11--


Orange Bbgum--?

Strawberry Kush-->

....freshie pics tomorrow!
Pics of the GLB testers and their counterparts. Man, I am impressed! The treated Apollo blk cherry has outgrown the non tester. And the untreated M&C was smaller but the tester is almost as big as the ABC tester… which it was smaller than. Got second dose of flower formula today along with 2 gpg MC. Temps are 70 deg F and RH is 60% doing great!

forgot, they be 41 days today!
The photo girls i used the GLB on are almost finished might cut them today or tmrw. The way I used it was a bit different I used here and there throughout flower. Will have some Bud porn soon
Pics of the GLB testers and their counterparts. Man, I am impressed! The treated Apollo blk cherry has outgrown the non tester. And the untreated M&C was smaller but the tester is almost as big as the ABC tester… which it was smaller than. Got second dose of flower formula today along with 2 gpg MC. Temps are 70 deg F and RH is 60% doing great!
:greenthumb: dig the side-by-side Jp, nicely done!
The best part of this is to come yet when bloom hits, and how they compare at the end...

>>> OK, new pics 6 days and a couple dosings later.... The HLG Diablo light is new too, and I think I have a bit of strong light compression in their builds...
I'm amazed at how fine the line is between okay and too much.That nutrient uptake factor associated with the products and dosage is showing definitively in the last few days- :hothot: I actually skipped the EMC and LOM today, after seeing some tip curling start! Recall, this is a near "water only" soil, no other base nutes going in.
Now that I think about it, maybe it was the RTS I should have skipped? That has significant N content, and this curl smacks of mild N-tox'...
Learning curve Blues! :rofl:

... sleepy droops in this pic after lights out...


Orange Bubblegum-->

Strawberry Kush-->
Sorry I’m lagging up the rear here! My lil ones that’ll be getting it are finally up and going so here in about a week I think I’ll need to get started! My only problem may be that my 4 lil 3gal grassroots living soil pots only get maybe 32oz split between the 4 until bloom and if I remember correctly it takes tiny lil doses of each nutrient so hope I can measure it out properly! :thumbsup: