Seed Stockers, Rucu Cucu - Day 36

(1 X 4 days) - 1.5 gal @ pH to 6.3/6.5, EC 1.2
Maxigro, Green Life Biotics Amendments (Enhance, Micro, and i started adding Brix and Accel)

Update with pics to come later today. Been swamped with work lately.
Res fill, GLB added to trays of the test plants, pulled em all out and did some work on them ( defol, tie down) tall SS fits better now.
My test will be with these two girls. Camera showing them waaay lighter than they are.
They are Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie accidental pollination that were gifted to me. I guess they will be 'fast photos'
I haven't turned up the light yet with a young'un in the tent. Gonna move the light down a bit each day.

The little one will get the test nutes. She came out with wonkey leaves but she's better. If she can catch up and/or surpass her sister, I'll call it a success.
She'll get her first full line feed in a couple of days. I did give her some roots at the same time I gave her some BigFoot and Recharge.
19 and 18 days old
Alright brothers and sisters, let us begin…

tonight the test plants volunteered themselves by needing their tea’s filled. I put a tag of blue painters tape on the girls that are using nitrous, I believe I will replace the tape with a more appealing. Cuz ya gott make it look nice… just sayin. Dab is hitting me good so sry if I sound a little “stoned” lol. Lights are on 18/6, temp at 76. Humidity wavers but approx 60%. Reused soil left in the rain to rehydrate for weeks so starting ph should be on point. The two test girls are in exact same setups, 5gal SIP or sub-irrigated planter. Their res is drilled exactly the same. Their respective counterparts directly behind them in the photos are in slightly larger res buckets.

First pic are the Mack&Crack autos. As you’ll notice the blue tag is signifying test plant. Second pic are Apollo Black Cherry autos. Shout out to @Seedstockers-Mark for providing the pertinent pieces in this grow. So today the test subjects got their first shot of GLB nutrients.

Shout out to @GreenLifeBiotics for the opportunity to try out an amazing set of products!
As the gallons state, 1 gpg Megacrop newest one part all purpose, .5ml Enhance, .2ml (up to 2.5) Micro DS, and .5ml Roots! All mixed and ph’d to 6! Res in those buckets won’t hold a full gallon, prob just shy of a pint left. So, that’s all for now. I’ll update as we progress! Crap, almost forgot the guy who got us here… thanks @Dabber for getting this rolling!
I may or may not have missed a few feedings...

She still seems to be fattening up, So It must not have done too much damage
I use my tap water and I add 1/4tsp of very high quality humic acid per 5gallons as my base water.
I would assume since your product already has humic acid, I should just use my plain water.
This girl gets her first dose of nutes today.
She's the smaller of the two, so if she surpasses the other, we might have something here. :biggrin:
So, this is pretty quick for an update but gotta say WOW! As you’ll see in the pics that there has been significant growth in the treated plants as opposed to untreated. If you check my pics on Tuesday you’ll see the change. These are at day 27 and just showing lady parts so in preflower mode.

I also topped them so they may not get tall but they’ll be bushy!
I use my tap water and I add 1/4tsp of very high quality humic acid per 5gallons as my base water.
I would assume since your product already has humic acid, I should just use my plain water.
This girl gets her first dose of nutes today.
She's the smaller of the two, so if she surpasses the other, we might have something here. :biggrin:
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yes depending on how much and how often you use the Original Enhance Mc will be the difference. If using the Enhance MC kelp you will need-to keep feeding your Humic. If using Enhance MC original and every other day then you can pull a lot into the plant. That’s why we only recommend 0.5 mLs every other day but in true super soils we run Enhance MC at 1 mL per gallon and it gets more out of the pot .
or if even using a happy frog with full nutrients we run 1 mL I just didn’t want to give that to anyone and have their plants fry because it made too much available. .
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yes depending on how much and how often you use the Original Enhance Mc will be the difference. If using the Enhancr MC kelp you will need-to keep feeding your Humic. If using Enhance MC original and every other day then you can pull a lot into the plant. That’s why we only recommend 0.5 mLs every other day but in true super soils we run Enhance MC at 1 mL per gallon and it gets more out of the pot .
or if even using a happy frog with full nutrients we run 1 mL I just didn’t want to give that to anyone and have their plants fry because iIt made too much available. .
I kinda figured that would be the case. I'll just KISS it to avoid problems.
Thanks for the input.
I'll mix up a gallon and She'll get her first full dose this morning before lights out. She's had a good dry down.