we don’t talk about what’s all in our products but I will just say this about Enhance Mc and the Kelp version
Our labels say roughly 4.37% microorganisms. Go look at any bottle on the market and tell me what is the % not the cfu/mL but the percentage. Everything in our bottle works together and non antagonistic. There are a lot of products that the producers do not understand what works together and what is antagonistic towards each other. I don’t know that product specifically But if you would like to dons side by side I am always open to that.
Roger that, it's why I asked! I understand that a shotgum blast of various 'crobes isn't always the best due to this antagonism thing.... So I'll skip the Billions.
I still have some enzymes (GLN's dry product) as an occasional addition...
I'll get pics up tonight after I transplant the seedling into their final pots. They have had a couple hits of EMC, and a light intro' hit of RTS + Micro - :thumbsup:... seems to be yummy to them from the look this morning!
All 6 are on auto pots from same res...was at 3.5 grams Mega Crop with .5 epsom (bumped up to 4.5 w/ .5 this fill)......this one (#2) gets the GLB Enhance MC with Kelp and PK boost....#3 gets the bloom accelerant (PK boost) and the brix57 and shows no sign of a problem at all.
Looked like cal def so pH'd the res and it's tray.....7 to pH back into zone 6 to 6.5.....only "normal" procedure I haven't done so far is to pull each one out and do a flush out in the shower with straight pH'd water....but none of the others showing any problems which is my sign it's time for a flush...
Hey Bill! I'd say that's P defc. symptoms, pretty classic with that patchy necrosis... Whether it's a simple lack-of type dec. or some sort of antagonistic uptake thing is the question...
MC is a bit notorious for too low of P for blooming IMO, so there's that as well. This girl did get the PK boost as well though?
The pH in the 7's was for sure a monkey wench in the machine, bad for P availability...
Any reason in particular for the addition of epsoms? Mg++ is rather reactive when unchelated, and often a culprit in antagonistic interactions/uptake when in excess... MCrop has a plenty in it already, ditto for SO4...
Anyway, watch for a halting of necrosis progression to see if the pH adjustment was the ticket!
Roger that, it's why I asked! I understand that a shotgum blast of various 'crobes isn't always the best due to this antagonism thing.... So I'll skip the Billions.
I still have some enzymes (GLN's dry product) as an occasional addition...
I'll get pics up tonight after I transplant the seedling into their final pots. They have had a couple hits of EMC, and a light intro' hit of RTS + Micro - :thumbsup:... seems to be yummy to them from the look this morning!

Hey Bill! I'd say that's P defc. symptoms, pretty classic with that patchy necrosis... Whether it's a simple lack-of type dec. or some sort of antagonistic uptake thing is the question...
MC is a bit notorious for too low of P for blooming IMO, so there's that as well. This girl did get the PK boost as well though?
The pH in the 7's was for sure a monkey wench in the machine, bad for P availability...
Any reason in particular for the addition of epsoms? Mg++ is rather reactive when unchelated, and often a culprit in antagonistic interactions/uptake when in excess... MCrop has a plenty in it already, ditto for SO4...
Anyway, watch for a halting of necrosis progression to see if the pH adjustment was the ticket!
I'm on the old Mega Crop 1 part and when first using it got the info from MoG to add .5 gram epsom to the 4.5 gram MC as the older version was a bit light on Cal/Mg when using RO....this is the 1st time I've ever seen this and 5 other plants on same res are looking fine. Have done a complete refill of the res at 6-6.5 and haven't noticed any more progression..
edit:: this one did NOT get the PK boost. If it keeps up I have some FF liquid nutes I can add to it's tray to up the P a bit.
That Enhance is strong stuff

Yeah, sorry, that's why we use such a small amount. Everyone says they have the best or strongest fulvic acid but this is only 6% of our normal Organic Fulvic, which is 20% and we have a 30% conventional. If you need to back down numbers you can.

Normal dosage if pushing is
0.25 mL daily but you can go 0.15-0.25mL per gallon
0.50 mL Every Other Day you can go 0.25-0.5 mL per gallon

or if still too much and with some growers here we only are using 1 time a week if necessary. Let me know if you want to talk about spefically waht you are doing and I can let you know.

**Oh and I am starting to work on the new site, so it will be this week and will grow from there. It will have a questions and answers, and eventually a place that will have discussions for each nutrient line so what are best practices for each line of nutrients. As things progress I will update info on here as well. It's a completely different site that I am actually looking at what I am posting instead my current site which I never review for errors. Its not my favorite thing to be doing, so taking much longer that I would like but making a commitment to getting it going. It will be a Hemp/Cannabis specific site so I don't have to be worried about what I am posting as I do a lot of normal farming and not everyone is appreciative of all the Medicinal Farming out there. :baked:
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Yeah, sorry, that's why we use such a small amount. Everyone says they have the best or strongest fulvic acid but this is only 6% of our normal Organic Fulvic, which is 20% and we have a 30% conventional. If you need to back down numbers you can.

Normal dosage if pushing is
0.25 mL daily but you can go 0.15-0.25mL per gallon
0.50 mL Every Other Day you can go 0.25-0.5 mL per gallon

or if still too much and with some growers here we only are using 1 time a week if necessary. Let me know if you want to talk about spefically waht you are doing and I can let you know.

**Oh and I am starting to work on the new site, so it will be this week and will grow from there. It will have a questions and answers, and eventually a place that will have discussions for each nutrient line so what are best practices for each line of nutrients. As things progress I will update info on here as well. It's a completely different site that I am actually looking at what I am posting instead my current site which I never review for errors. Its not my favorite thing to be doing, so taking much longer that I would like but making a commitment to getting it going. It will be a Hemp/Cannabis specific site so I don't have to be worried about what I am posting as I do a lot of normal farming and not everyone is appreciative of all the Medicinal Farming out there. :baked:

No, it's all good for me. I learn lessons the hard way, but I learn. Moderation is the key.
I'm on the old Mega Crop 1 part and when first using it got the info from MoG to add .5 gram epsom to the 4.5 gram MC as the older version was a bit light on Cal/Mg when using RO....this is the 1st time I've ever seen this and 5 other plants on same res are looking fine. Have done a complete refill of the res at 6-6.5 and haven't noticed any more progression..
edit:: this one did NOT get the PK boost. If it keeps up I have some FF liquid nutes I can add to it's tray to up the P a bit.
Wow, that's an olde bag indeed,....still have one myself! :rolleyes2: ... I think they have changed the formulation several times now, one reason why I quit them and went on to try the excellent Prescription Blend 6-part system. One great thing about their line-up is that it's very smartly broken up so you can tinker and adjust, plus use 1-2 parts for great foliar spraying treats- :greenthumb:... to this day, I'd say foliars are the most overlooked treatments I've seen in canna-forums. Done right, with the right products and methodology, it can up your game a notch or two with such a simple speedy technique!
Fulvic acid + Si + kelp is a regular thing with me, sometimes include micronutes too,... some light feeding is good as well, and this can really help a plant along if there's a defc. issue and/or trouble "below" with pH or hammered roots!
All you need is a good sprayer, some wetting agent (critical IMO), proper dilutions for solutions and be sure to get tops AND bottoms of leaves; more stomata are located there vs. topside, and that the main way into the plant...

The Uber-additive I'd say is Optic Foliar's Transport product; this is a carrier soln. that's able to temporarily penetrate the cuticle layer, dragging along with it whatever is dissolved in soln. with it. I've used this for years to tackle tough defc. issues, especially micronutes which are notorious for being bitchy and slow to correct. Most of them are immobile within the plant, meaning they can't be translocated from other tissues to where it's needed once "locked" into place...
Foliars bypass all this and drop in direct-injection style, and correct much faster!

I've noticed with auto's in particular, even the same cultivar may have significant differences in tolerances/demands, behaviors, etc.,...Chalk it up to the sister-to-sister differences- :biggrin: Mixing different ones on the same res' and feeds can be a bit squirrely sometimes, if they start diverging in maturity over time and/or show nutritional quirks.
At least you have the option to tinker some, pot-to-pot, which can be huge at times!
:headbang: - fantastic stuff folks, I'm loving what I see!

:drool: holy crap man, that BK looks like it came out of an injection molder and rolled in sugar! The density must be crazy,... Who's the breeder on this one again?

How's the aroma Cody, is it name's sake good? If so, this will likely be very narco-heavy stuff = :sleeping:....
For sure, the GLB stuff worked it's magic, she finished nicely tapped out after all - :greenthumb:

The Great looks like iron bud too!
Fine growing Cody, thanks for working the product line so well!

Hey Niz', great to have you in the soup here to a nice start! ... I missed it, are you doing a couple side-by-side run with and w/o GLB supp's?

>>> :yay: I have all 3 auto's up and running now FINALLY!
--- Orange Bbgum (Twisted Tree); Strawberry Kush (Jean-O); Jack Summer Love (private breeder, JH x Love Potion auto)
@GreenLifeBiotics pardon the delay Tony...:rolleyes2:

OK, tonight they'll get their first taste of EMCKelp!
Tony, I was looking at an inoculant called Billions, and wondered if this is going to mess with EMCK's actions,... or is it basically redundant?
I'm trying TPS brand Si supplement, which is made from a mix of sources for more immediate uptake...
It was ILGM Banana Kush. Smellls really fruity, not so much banana, but very strong smelling. Should have some ready to roll today and give a little test smoke.
I'm on the old Mega Crop 1 part and when first using it got the info from MoG to add .5 gram epsom to the 4.5 gram MC as the older version was a bit light on Cal/Mg when using RO....this is the 1st time I've ever seen this and 5 other plants on same res are looking fine. Have done a complete refill of the res at 6-6.5 and haven't noticed any more progression..
edit:: this one did NOT get the PK boost. If it keeps up I have some FF liquid nutes I can add to it's tray to up the P a bit.
I'm using one part and bud explosion....3g mc 0.5 Epsom salt 1g be and still getting deficiency's...on my sip buckets.... I stared giving earth juice microblast foliar spray and can tell a difference many times a week do I feed....I was doing only once... Im trying to figure this out...should I up to 4.5 since I use ro??? I was adding 0.25g of cal-mag but I was told I was overloading them on cal-mag.. so I cut it out....and started using 50)50 ro/tap.... I did absoric acid and hydroguard's a pic of plant....if you could give me some advice on the mc feeding I would appreciate it.....thanks
Wow, that's an olde bag indeed,....still have one myself! :rolleyes2: ... I think they have changed the formulation several times now, one reason why I quit them and went on to try the excellent Prescription Blend 6-part system. One great thing about their line-up is that it's very smartly broken up so you can tinker and adjust, plus use 1-2 parts for great foliar spraying treats- :greenthumb:... to this day, I'd say foliars are the most overlooked treatments I've seen in canna-forums. Done right, with the right products and methodology, it can up your game a notch or two with such a simple speedy technique!
Fulvic acid + Si + kelp is a regular thing with me, sometimes include micronutes too,... some light feeding is good as well, and this can really help a plant along if there's a defc. issue and/or trouble "below" with pH or hammered roots!
All you need is a good sprayer, some wetting agent (critical IMO), proper dilutions for solutions and be sure to get tops AND bottoms of leaves; more stomata are located there vs. topside, and that the main way into the plant...

The Uber-additive I'd say is Optic Foliar's Transport product; this is a carrier soln. that's able to temporarily penetrate the cuticle layer, dragging along with it whatever is dissolved in soln. with it. I've used this for years to tackle tough defc. issues, especially micronutes which are notorious for being bitchy and slow to correct. Most of them are immobile within the plant, meaning they can't be translocated from other tissues to where it's needed once "locked" into place...
Foliars bypass all this and drop in direct-injection style, and correct much faster!

I've noticed with auto's in particular, even the same cultivar may have significant differences in tolerances/demands, behaviors, etc.,...Chalk it up to the sister-to-sister differences- :biggrin: Mixing different ones on the same res' and feeds can be a bit squirrely sometimes, if they start diverging in maturity over time and/or show nutritional quirks.
At least you have the option to tinker some, pot-to-pot, which can be huge at times!
Hey I here your the man on deficiency....I'm using earth juice microblast as a foliar spray and mc 1 part in my sips and been having often should I do these foliar sprays? Thanks there is a pic of plant above....
Wow, that's an olde bag indeed,....still have one myself! :rolleyes2: ... I think they have changed the formulation several times now, one reason why I quit them and went on to try the excellent Prescription Blend 6-part system. One great thing about their line-up is that it's very smartly broken up so you can tinker and adjust, plus use 1-2 parts for great foliar spraying treats- :greenthumb:... to this day, I'd say foliars are the most overlooked treatments I've seen in canna-forums. Done right, with the right products and methodology, it can up your game a notch or two with such a simple speedy technique!
Fulvic acid + Si + kelp is a regular thing with me, sometimes include micronutes too,... some light feeding is good as well, and this can really help a plant along if there's a defc. issue and/or trouble "below" with pH or hammered roots!
All you need is a good sprayer, some wetting agent (critical IMO), proper dilutions for solutions and be sure to get tops AND bottoms of leaves; more stomata are located there vs. topside, and that the main way into the plant...

The Uber-additive I'd say is Optic Foliar's Transport product; this is a carrier soln. that's able to temporarily penetrate the cuticle layer, dragging along with it whatever is dissolved in soln. with it. I've used this for years to tackle tough defc. issues, especially micronutes which are notorious for being bitchy and slow to correct. Most of them are immobile within the plant, meaning they can't be translocated from other tissues to where it's needed once "locked" into place...
Foliars bypass all this and drop in direct-injection style, and correct much faster!

I've noticed with auto's in particular, even the same cultivar may have significant differences in tolerances/demands, behaviors, etc.,...Chalk it up to the sister-to-sister differences- :biggrin: Mixing different ones on the same res' and feeds can be a bit squirrely sometimes, if they start diverging in maturity over time and/or show nutritional quirks.
At least you have the option to tinker some, pot-to-pot, which can be huge at times!
Yeah, loving my auto pots, when I upsized to 6 I also got more valves to make it easier to add straight to the trays of any problem girls. For the most part adding the epsom does well with not many issues and it seems to have stopped progressing. I still got most the bag left so I'll be using it for the foreseeable future.