- fantastic stuff folks, I'm loving what I see!

holy crap man, that BK looks like it came out of an injection molder and rolled in sugar! The density must be crazy,... Who's the breeder on this one again?
How's the aroma Cody, is it name's sake good? If so, this will likely be very narco-heavy stuff =

For sure, the GLB stuff worked it's magic, she finished nicely tapped out after all -
The Great looks like iron bud too!
Fine growing Cody, thanks for working the product line so well!
Hey Niz', great to have you in the soup here :smoking:...off to a nice start!
@Bill.de.Cat ... I missed it, are you doing a couple side-by-side run with and w/o GLB supp's?

I have all 3 auto's up and running now FINALLY!
--- Orange Bbgum (Twisted Tree); Strawberry Kush (Jean-O); Jack Summer Love (private breeder, JH x Love Potion auto)
@GreenLifeBiotics pardon the delay Tony...
OK, tonight they'll get their first taste of EMCKelp!
Tony, I was looking at an inoculant called Billions, and wondered if this is going to mess with EMCK's actions,... or is it basically redundant?
I'm trying TPS brand Si supplement, which is made from a mix of sources for more immediate uptake...