Mephisto Genetics Grape Crinkle....bring it on!

Simple Day 13 update.....

Feed is up to 290PPM, with a 5.8 PH. Rez temp is still in the lower 80's. Over the last couple of days she has started to pick up her growth rate. Like every Mephisto strain I have grown she has started her lower branching really well at this young stage. I dropped the LED's a little this morning. I want to force her to keep a tight internode spacing the best I can. I upped the solution level a little, raising it to about an inch up the net pot.

Looks like we are on day 16. I have been upping the feed daily and am up to 460 PPM I am trying to force her to be short and fat with the LED as close as I can. Most likely will keep the 3 small 6500K CFL's on her as well for another week. Also raised the bucket level to about half way up the net pot.

No real need for any update yet but will anyways. Today is day 19. Today was also her first bucket change. I upped her feed a little and she is now at 600PPM. Only nutes are GH GRO,MICRO and BLOOM, keeping at a 3-2-1 ratio. Of course I am also using GH MagiCal and Botanicare Silica. It's easy for me to see she will have a very different structure than the Sour Cracks and Deep Blue C's I have grown. No pre flowers yet but over the last couple of days she is getting a smell to her!

I am sure we all have seen a 2 day old seedling but here is the Grape Crinkle on Day 2. I am just using straight city tap water at this point. I am not PH correcting it as there is no real need to do so. We are not worried about nutrient update since there is none as this point in time of course. Her little tap root is growing like crazy. The DIY Cobb LED light is running well and I can feel no real increase in temps in the cabinet with it running.

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hey dude love the idea of getting the tap root down fast just trying it on my latest girl cheers for the idea max :slap:
I was not going to update for a couple of more days but a couple of things have happened over the last 24/48 hours so I will update now. First and foremost she has showed sex as of today. There are a number of pistols around the plant....she has also gone from having a nice sweet smell to just flat out smelling like a skunk....I'm talking when I open the cabinet it's straight skunk to the face!!! Next news is she has dramatically increased her water and nute intake. She went from sipping 20oz of water a day to sucking down nearly a gallon every 24hrs. Lastly I am running her now at 750 PPM . She has been pulling it down may 50/75PPM every 24hrs to now ripping out over 200PPM in the same time frame so I will be working her PPM higher or the next couple of days. Only change in the tent has been I turned on my DIY Cree cxb3590 LED fixture! I figure with today being Day 22 we are about 1/3rd of the way through this grow.
