Live Stoner Chat Good Day All

Feb 21, 2013
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Good Day All,
Finally joined up here, after a gracious invite
So thought id say High,

Cheers :thumbs:
Yes! :bow: Much gratitude and respect for you, friend. :D :D :D :smokebuds:

SO glad you have joined us! :dance2: :jump: :dance:

Take care. :thumbs:
welcome to AFN!:smokeit:
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Welcome RCMC, wierd I was just thinking of you, we will be in touch. :wiz:

a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN RCMC, nice to have you to join our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links threads. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.

TOKE OUT :smokebuds:
Thanks for the warm welcome all :)
Ill do a better intro in the Royal Canadian Marijuana Collective forum shortly
RCMC to AFN. Enjoy the site, and lots of luck with your ventures
Welcom:smokebuds:How's thing's at the UDG.........
Welcome RCMC!

As you can see by my number of posts I just started here at AFN myself last week.

After I did countless number of hours of research here on AFN, I ended up ordering some HighRise beans from you last Saturday.

My hat is off to you sir, in your over the top customer service. I will certainly be
doing more business with you in the future.

Anyway, it will be awesome to see you on here, and looking forward to gaining knowledge from you!

This is an amazing forum, (amazing peeps).
