New Grower Gone 13 grows Fast Buds LSD-25 as pure perlite hempie.

It is Day 75......May 5th.........Continues to grow well with buds stacking well.......still concerned with the lack of trichs........they are there, just so tiny you can only see them with a 30x jewelers loupe.........Any thoughts??? Fed MC2 4Gm, 6ml Bio-Root, 1.5 ml Snow Storm Ultra, 1.5 ml Kool Bloom, and 1ml Cal-Mag per gallon. Some leaf trimming done to open up area to light...........Pics soon!
Day 77 Some more light LST done to open up center of plant to light.....lots of buds down there!.........Pics below...........

LSD 35  Day 83.jpg

LSD 36  Day 83.jpg

LSD 37  Day 83.jpg

LSD  39  Day 78.jpg

See you next week.
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Fed 4Gm MC1, 2ml Snow Storm Ultra, 6ml Kool Bloom, 6ml Bio-Root, and 2ml Cal-Mag/ per gallon of degassed tap water. pH 6.1.....temps 76-81 Relative Humidity 57-68%.
Well, it is day 49 and time for the weekly update of the Acid Queen. I have to admit a real stoner error this week, except that i was perfectly straight when it happened. Because of the way I had to mount my light in the closet, it is not easily adjustable.....I take the opposite approach; I move the plant up or down by varying the height of boxes I sit the plant on. I was adjusting the bucket on the boxes and didn't realize that I was getting close to the edge...the bucket was heavy because she had just been fed the day before. The bucket fell off the boxes spilling the plant and perlite al over the closet floor.....the root mass was actually exposed! Needless to say I was really pissed at myself, thinking I had just wasted a seed and and several weeks of time. After freaking out, I decided to carefully scoop everything back into the bucket, essentially replanting the plant. A couple of days later she is growing faster than ever.......did not show the slightest effect from her depotting. The only thing was that I had to redo the LST as the fall knocked the original anchors off. She seems to be going into pre flower at last. She is due another feeding tonight, I may add Snow Storm Ultra to this batch to help budding. I used this stuff on my last 2 grows and it seemed to really kick bud formation and growth into overdrive! Hope it works again!

Now for the weeks' pictures:

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That's it for this week.......thanks for stopping by!
nice recovery:bump:
Looks good, wait her out, probably resin up.
long timers:pass:
oh yeah, easy on the stressors:smoking:
Looks good, wait her out, probably resin up.
long timers:pass:
oh yeah, easy on the stressors:smoking:

Thanks, TA! I'm determined to wait her out....I think she has at least 2 more weeks to go............Isn't your Dead & Co concert coming up soon?
Happy 420 all! It is day 60 of the Acid Queen grow. I apologize for missing the regular update day but health issues have caused me no end of trouble recently. I managed to almost croak the plant a few days ago.........To adjust the height below the light I move the plants up and down as needed using stiff boxes of various heights. I fed the plant and put her back in the closet, which of course, is the heaviest point of her cycle. Got up the next morning and found her slumped over against the back wall of the closet! The box she was sitting on had crumpled and let her fall.....I freaked! After that I went to pull her back up and found all the perlite still in the bucket and no visible damage, not even a torn leaf! Kept a close eye on her for a few days, but it didn't seem to slow her down at all. Only problem is that she looks like another 90-100 day finisher. I'm debating whether or not to add Kool Bloom to the feed........she is getting 4Gm MC2, 3ml Bio-Root, and 2.5ml of Snow Storm Ultra per gallon. I cut back from 5Gms/gal to 4Gms/gal of MC2 due to recent tip burn.View attachment 1048001 View attachment 1048002

Any opinions on adding the Kool Bloom?
It's amazing what they can take, I had a plant last year that fell a couple feet and went head over heels. She had soil in every nook and cranny Didn't miss a beat!:pass:
Hitting the road in a couple weeks:d5::pass:

Sorry I got you and TA mixed up........getting old sucks, lol! Hope you have a great time and the concert one for the ages......need a complete report when you get back, please!