New Grower Gone 13 grows Fast Buds LSD-25 as pure perlite hempie.

I've almost forgotten what a memory is :smoking: I hope I remember this show after it's over:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I've almost forgotten what a memory is :smoking: I hope I remember this show after it's over:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'm fine with old's the new ones that I seem to lose! Hopefully, someone will record the show and post it on The Archive....then you can listen to it as much as you want.

A little taste......
Day 82................Spread main colas out to give inner buds a chance to develop more.....the more I work with canna plants, the more I believe in the benefits of LST....even this late in a plants' development.
Day 85.....fed 4Gms MC1, 5ml Bio-Root, 2ml Snow Storm, 1.5ml Cali-Mag, and 5ml Kool Bloom/ 6.2.......temps at 75-82, relative humidity 50-62%, and light distance 22". Seems like she is shifting nitrogen from the fans......near as I can tell, the trichs seem to be cloudy, pistils are mostly brown....I'm thinking another 7-10 days before chop....first sign of amber, down she comes! Buds are very sticky and hard with a couple 10" long. Looks like it might be a decent yield...hope the potency lives up to the hype! Pics below.......................



Day 85.....hope the potency lives up to the hype!

Looking good! By the time I dried mine it as so purple it was almost black.

After a month or so cure it was so trippy that I only bring it out a few times a month. Worth the wait!
Looking good! By the time I dried mine it as so purple it was almost black.

After a month or so cure it was so trippy that I only bring it out a few times a month. Worth the wait!

Thanks @VitaMan ! I hope it works out that way.....right now I have no purple at all and not as many trichs as I would think would be present this far into her growth. Well, we will see! I know I'm not chopping this one early!
Day 93.....Fed today...........6ml Bio-Root, 2ml Snow Storm Ultra, 6ml Kool Bloom, 1ml Cali-Mag, and 2.5Gm MC1/gallon. Continues to grow well and buds are hard and sticky.....but still no purple and very small trichs.....near as I can determine the trichs are mostly cloudy but no sign of amber. It is hard to tell even with a microscope because the trichs are so tiny. I'm just going to let her go for awhile.....I don't think she is near ready at this time. !-2 weeks?? Pics to follow in a couple of days. Peace....................
Sorry I haven't posted for a reasons.

It's now Day 105 and the Acid Queen persists! She continues to grow and suck up water and nutrients....all trichs seem to be cloudy with no sign of amber. Was going to chop this past weekend but she seems to keep growing! She was fed on last Thursday, so I have decided to let her go until she sucks up the last of her feeding and reevaluate then. The buds are super sticky, very firm, and are darkening now with slight hints of purple. We will see! Pics from Day 103 below......

LSD  40   Day 103.jpg

LSD  41   Day 103.jpg

LSD  42   Day 103.jpg

LSD  43   Day 103.jpg

Thanks for stopping by................Peace.