Indoor GA's Short Stuff's testers list. 'Shortstuff Testers Wanted'

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my hbd was 77grams and the dr feelgood came in at 84 grams. hbd was done in 67 days. hod in 77 dr feelgood day 80.
all very good tasters:drool:the hod, as expected is citrus (orange) with a diesel, the hbd is berries and diesel. the DR feelgood tastes like cherries to me :drool:.
all three were very potent. and taste fantastic. every bit as good as any strains I have grown, from anyone else.
hbd, taste 8, potency 8 smooth very little expansion,delightful smoke.

hod, taste 9,potency 8 this one has some expansion. overall my favorite out of the three. :thumbsup:

sneaky DR feelgood taste 8 potency 9.5 she surprised me with weight and potency. knockout indica!.

I would like to thank doc.:bow:and GA6 :bow: and shortstuff seeds:bow: for the chance to grow these strain's
they are world class I find nothing lacking next time I grow these out, I will do a better job. on a 20/4 light schedule.
and all in four gallon pots. thank you all! :bighug::cheers:
Update on the orange diesel. Ivery had her on water for a few days now. I think I'll axe her this weekend.
That's what I have so far. If I missed something or have some info wrong please let me know
Was bang on mate
1.8litre pots / pro-mix / 150w hps / 24/0 light schedule / Advanced Nutrients
HOD 74 days - 25.3 grams @58%
HOD day 80 - 31.6g @ 60%

66% promix mixed with 33% coarse#4 perlite / 3 gal pots / 16/8 light schedule / 135w blackstar a 270w blackstar and a 300w popular grow panel.
HOD - 77 Days - 127 grams @64%

Pro mix bx / 5 gal smart pots / 1200w mars 2 /Advanced nutrients / 20/4 light schedule
HBD - 77 Days - 101 grams
HOD -77 Days - 96 grams
Dr.Feelgoods - 77 Days - 185 grams - 3 plants

11liter pots / pm soil / pm nutes / advance xml350 light / 18/6 light schedule
Dr feel good 2.43oz
Dr feelgood. 2.15oz
Hod 2.54oz
Hod 1.7
Hbd 1.27
Hbd 1.12

Tetra 9
1 gallon pots / harvest organic soil / skunk work nutes / 720 mars hydro / 20/4 light schedule
HOD - 68 days - 24 grams
HBD - 68 days - 20 grams
The Himalayan Orange Diesel ended up 3.15 oz at 55% moisture. Yep. I snoozed on the drying. Our air is bone dry. I put a couple of moist buds from a different harvest in the jars. Little trick that works great.
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