Did you ever get germination on your seeds? I popped two Keylime Crush and two Runtzorbet a week ago. Finally had one Runtzorbet germinate yesterday morning and by the time I got home from work the seedling had died. Dug up the other three seeds and they hadn't even cracked. Up til now I've had 100% germination rate so I don't think it was something I did wrong but maybe. From the looks of it contacting the breeder is useless.i scored some bessi cake seeds from SHN have two planted directly in soil and two in paper towels, its been 5 days now and no germination as of yet starting to get nervous. The fast buds westcoast og seeds all 5 popped in 3 days. Maybe the Reapers are old? or just bunk? i guess i will give them 10 days then start contacting people... what would you guys do? Whats standard procedure?