Thanks Norse'

... All that stock banks are stuck with, small blame for them off'ing them ASAP and not just eating them...
NA Seeds =

... they ought to be writing for his fucking PR team,... "no ill will", that's a mealy mouth white wash comment if ever I saw one

And the rest of the horseshit they spewed about breeder professionalism standards smacks of absolute hypocrisy!

This was a chance for some integrity to be shown by such a business, and instead they post that rubbish with zero sense of outrage at his conduct... They don't need to go into specifics or troll him at all, just don't pat his little behind and "there there" him over what was a disgusting childish self destructive act that put the Law onto a customer....
Duly noted on NA Seeds...

....Upside, I/we didn't know that rat had 2 brands out there...