Nutrients FullDuplex abandons the Fox....

sooo,hows the soil coming along bro?! I wanted to ask a little more if I may about you inoculating with baby cereal. was curious is HOW you do that.
It starts after this week...Just finished my white widow grow and getting ready to make room for the run. I am cleaning spaces and getting seed ready. Should start cracking along in here in about a week id say.

So what ya wanna know about the baby cereal? I took a basic concept i saw and applied it in a larger scale to see the activity i had in the soil. once the myco were in the soil they were active but there was no plant material in there for them to create a symbiotic relationship with until the root system are there or form. The baby cereal has oats, rice, and other grains that the myco love or seem to any way. So what i will do is take the soil and put about a gallon worth in a container, once in the container i add a good deal of the baby cereal not a lot but maybe say a cup. Then mix that in the soil like crazy. Seal it, and cool dark place. Give it about three days and the top of that soil will be white....thats all active myco there on the top, and that back to your base soils when planting...
oh dso you use it as a food booster then or straight fuel for them. thats cool. it confuzled me a bit cuz i asked what was your inoculate system and/or additive for your life essentially and you said baby cereal is all. thats all i wanted to know Danke kind sir :D
oh dso you use it as a food booster then or straight fuel for them. thats cool. it confuzled me a bit cuz i asked what was your inoculate system and/or additive for your life essentially and you said baby cereal is all. thats all i wanted to know Danke kind sir :D
Yeah man, and sorry about being vague there. The nice thig about it is once you get it down you never have to by myco again. Can use great white one time, mix it in my soil and then add the baby cereal. Do the above steps and i have an active pot full of myco that i can spread around. Wash, rinse, repeat.
yeah buddy, do it all the time :D grow boost repeat a few times. I like and much prefer a HIGHLY active batch of soil.

Tote microbes1.JPG
yeah buddy, do it all the time :D grow boost repeat a few times. I like and much prefer a HIGHLY active batch of soil.

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And there it is in full form.

You ever notice how the lid of the sealed bin is wet? Its from all the gassing off from the myco. I figured that you knew how to do this given your amazing ability to grow organic. Im so glad you are over here too my friend. I can bounce things off you and this whole biotab kit should make these gals explode.
yeah man, transfer of activity as well as the warmth and condensation all feed as an eco system.gotta let it breath though.some make that mistake LOL

glad to help any ways I can man. no sweat there bro. and Thanks too btw :)
yeah i crack mine every 3 days to let it breathe.
Just an update and were getting close to being used. Recent inoculation show the soil is quite active and ready to go.

I got a few Liter measuring cups so i can mix exactly like the instructions say, the only thing that i will be straying from is the amount of bio tab in the pot and its delivery.

:jointman: Dualing organic mechanics! :headbang: ... amazing myco' activity demonstrated here my friends, just fizzing with goodness :coffee:,.... the cereal-- who knew they were carbo-junkies?! .... wishing I was a neighbah, so I could mootch a cuppa! :rofl: :bow:

....FD, planting time soon? :woohoo1: Who's up first, the Mountain Mama/ALF#5, or the F1? bobby's Widows? ..both? :eyebrows: ..... Did I miss it, or what did you decide to do to break apart the tabs so the don't go :poof: :hothot: right off the bat when ground too finely? With the way your soil is already fizzing, plus their proprietary microbe blend, the tab bits are gonna get attacked like piranha's!