That is what i am hoping for, i can tell you that

will change the taste almost masks it. Takes a longer cure to get rid of that taste sometimes. I am hoping to really get the taste this time down. I have the jar smell down to a science but now i want to taste what you smell and i think that bio tabs might get me there.
So tonight i decided to feed the mycorrhizae with a carb load, technically they dont need fed but due to the fact that there is no plant interaction i wanted to supplement that in the soil. This will allow them to germinate and spread and continue to thrive as they bake. June is coming fast and i am almost ready to use the soil. I have one more additive that will be here sunday to add in to comp for the intense LED lighting. Ill share that as well as the way that i am going to use 5 tabs over 25 .5 gal pots.
Tonights blending. If you mix soil, a tarp is your best friend.