Nutrients FullDuplex abandons the Fox....

If you put the tab alone in the soil, it will need about 1/1,5 week before it wil start to be active, also it will slowly release the nuts...

If you grind the tab al the nutes will be directly available .
But to not grind your tabs, in our normal line we have 2 products that make sure your soil life is directly alive and active: Startrex: is a fine concentrated compost, that contain high levels off humus and beneficial soil bacteria.
Silicium flash our newest product that is so potent when you use it, the use of Orgatrex is no needed anymore, so even less work

The silicium is a really interesting product, but soon will make a new thread, that has a details explanation about all our products

Here is a product info about the Startex

Startrex is a rich humus produced from the leftovers of juiced grapes that are partially converted into humus.
Startrex contains a large quantity of soil bacteria that immediately work to improve the soil and ensure better uptake of organic fertilizers.
Most potting soil is sterilized to kill weed seeds and germs. This also kills all the beneficial soil bacteria and fungi. The result is that it takes a long time for the soil life in your potting soil to become established.
Mixing your potting soil with Startrex brings your soil to life immediately. Startrex promotes the development of mycorrhiza fungi and stimulates the multiplication of beneficial soil bacteria, the growth and the overall health of the plant.
Startrex gives your crop an explosive start, your plants will root faster and growth will take off at a tremendous speed.
Directions for use:
Indoor: Mix your potting soil with 50 grams of Startrex for every 10 liters of potting soil used.
Outdoor: Mix your soil with 250 grams of Startrex for each m2 of soil.

Thank you for the reply, but this is getting rather murky....... I looked into the Silicium Flash(SF) ..... No information on your website at all, but Spanish growshops knows about it, and found this description that may be poorly translated and/or inaccurate

A few more questions....

Why is SF sold in Liters(volume) when the dosage is in grams(weight)?

How many grams is 9 liters of SF?

What's the reason for needing both SF(NPK 4-3-3) and tabs, when a dosage of SF will last for a whole grow, or is that my misunderstanding of the description?

What is "insects' faeces", quitine and oligo-elements?
Good to see you asking probing questions!

Thank you for the reply, but this is getting rather murky....... I looked into the Silicium Flash(SF) ..... No information on your website at all, but Spanish growshops knows about it, and found this description that may be poorly translated and/or inaccurate

A few more questions....

Why is SF sold in Liters(volume) when the dosage is in grams(weight)?

How many grams is 9 liters of SF?

What's the reason for needing both SF(NPK 4-3-3) and tabs, when a dosage of SF will last for a whole grow, or is that my misunderstanding of the description?

What is "insects' faeces", quitine and oligo-elements?
:gary: FD droppin' some tabs! :dizzy: :jawdrop: :rofl: .... I love it brudda, high time you tried a new nute MO! And a fine candidate you are for Biotabs too,.. your system is a well oiled machine, so I think what differences show will stand out more clearly from other more pell-mell nute and supp' chuckers :wiz: .... between your soil and the 'Tabs, I'm worried about pot size issues!
...looking forward to this test grow my friend, all the more so because it's the next F-gen. of ALF#5's! :woohoo1::spels:

>> Blooo lovie :drool: Hubba hubba hubba!!-- is that you and your sister sporting retro-'do's and cloths in that pic? :pimp: .. always thought you were an old school girl at heart, despite the blue-hair punk-chick look! :rofl::bighug:
... Ah, thanks for the insights on the PK deal,.. I agree, the point of boosters is to carry things beyond what base nutes alone can offer, and at those later stages, there might be some sub-optimal amounts of P-K remaining, especially if the plants have grown and thrived through veg',.. I leaned that the hard way with that fekkin' KindSoil going face-first on me last season at the worst possible time- initial budset!
I'm also looking into Biotabs system for my OD photo grow this year,.. after last season's debacle, I'm all the way down on adding in P-K boosters in any organic system! What happened to your buds is identical to mine, density was lacking and bud:leaf ratio was under par, even after catching it and pummeling them with as much synthetic P-K as I dared!... THAT, ain't gonna happen again- :doh::cuss:
Thank you for the reply, but this is getting rather murky....... I looked into the Silicium Flash(SF) ..... No information on your website at all, but Spanish growshops knows about it, and found this description that may be poorly translated and/or inaccurate

A few more questions....

Why is SF sold in Liters(volume) when the dosage is in grams(weight)?

How many grams is 9 liters of SF?

What's the reason for needing both SF(NPK 4-3-3) and tabs, when a dosage of SF will last for a whole grow, or is that my misunderstanding of the description?

What is "insects' faeces", quitine and oligo-elements?

Hey Corgy,

Al our products are going to be dosaged in the future in volume, for all the non drug dealers that don't have a scale ;) hahah
That is 600 Grams of SF
To have a wide and diffent kinds of soil life present.
That is differntt kinds of insect poo and spore(fungi) elements.

Have a good one !
:gary: FD droppin' some tabs! :dizzy: :jawdrop: :rofl: .... I love it brudda, high time you tried a new nute MO! And a fine candidate you are for Biotabs too,.. your system is a well oiled machine, so I think what differences show will stand out more clearly from other more pell-mell nute and supp' chuckers :wiz: .... between your soil and the 'Tabs, I'm worried about pot size issues!
...looking forward to this test grow my friend, all the more so because it's the next F-gen. of ALF#5's! :woohoo1::spels:

Ahh @Waira :bighug::bighug::pass:

Love seeing you in my threads mate. Yes FD is dropping some tabs, i figured with the soil that this would be the best match for eliminating the ferts that i use. Its been way overdue that i try something new, i just did my research and the chance came through to test this kit. The stars aligned and everything worked out. I figure allowing the soil to bake with the new additives will activate the remaining microbes and get the stuff thriving.

I hope to see the differences, and the taste as well as the smells. From what i understand the more organic you get the better the weed tastes and smells. using FF for so long and then switching we should see the differences.The next round of ALF [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] will be primarily seinsi with the select male and female isolated to do an open pollination that way i can see true production minus the stress of seed bearing and F3 is a good test release point.

Stay tuned, ill get this started once june hits and the soil has had enough time to activate.
From what i understand the more organic you get the better the weed tastes and smells

FD .. Both the mephisto strains i've grown with biotabs taste divine!!! It's just the yield that was missing for me (because i did THE most basic biotabs grow).
I've grown white triangle twiec before with chemicals and it's always been a firm favorite of mine ... but the the thrid one with biotabs .... oh my lord!! it's like top shelf dispensary terps, taste and high ... super smooth with minimal cure!!

You're gonna love it! :D
FD .. Both the mephisto strains i've grown with biotabs taste divine!!! It's just the yield that was missing for me (because i did THE most basic biotabs grow).
I've grown white triangle twiec before with chemicals and it's always been a firm favorite of mine ... but the the thrid one with biotabs .... oh my lord!! it's like top shelf dispensary terps, taste and high ... super smooth with minimal cure!!

You're gonna love it! :D

That is what i am hoping for, i can tell you that FF will change the taste almost masks it. Takes a longer cure to get rid of that taste sometimes. I am hoping to really get the taste this time down. I have the jar smell down to a science but now i want to taste what you smell and i think that bio tabs might get me there.

So tonight i decided to feed the mycorrhizae with a carb load, technically they dont need fed but due to the fact that there is no plant interaction i wanted to supplement that in the soil. This will allow them to germinate and spread and continue to thrive as they bake. June is coming fast and i am almost ready to use the soil. I have one more additive that will be here sunday to add in to comp for the intense LED lighting. Ill share that as well as the way that i am going to use 5 tabs over 25 .5 gal pots.

Tonights blending. If you mix soil, a tarp is your best friend.

