Nutrients FullDuplex abandons the Fox....

:jointman: Dualing organic mechanics! :headbang: ... amazing myco' activity demonstrated here my friends, just fizzing with goodness :coffee:,.... the cereal-- who knew they were carbo-junkies?! .... wishing I was a neighbah, so I could mootch a cuppa! :rofl: :bow:

....FD, planting time soon? :woohoo1: Who's up first, the Mountain Mama/ALF#5, or the F1? bobby's Widows? ..both? :eyebrows: ..... Did I miss it, or what did you decide to do to break apart the tabs so the don't go :poof: :hothot: right off the bat when ground too finely? With the way your soil is already fizzing, plus their proprietary microbe blend, the tab bits are gonna get attacked like piranha's!

Well there you are my long lost friend...Thanks for the kind words especially coming from you. The soil is quite active and the cereal is a neat trick to see the activity and have them multiply. Also allows me to transplant some of them to the garden and other areas. Not to mention the third tub that i am getting ready start activity in. Already mixed in the base blend and some of the other organics in it. Going to shave some of the active into the new tun and then let it sit for a week and then test the activity there.

I blended in the activity you saw tonight and added a touch more perlite and then hit the soil with one more round of cereal to get some to share around. Planting time is very soon, seeds are out and coming to room temp, had them in the fridge to keep em fresh. I did a germ test on the Mountain Momma side and threw in 4, got three and they are about a two weeks old, as i couldnt kill them.

So the next round and the plants for this test will be two geno's of ALF [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] CMD and MM Bobbys widow and Roxi. I did figure a way to split the tabs and not get a quick release from grinding them up. I got some organic un bleached tea bags. This will keep the powder all together and i will place it directly under the main root ball as i will be transplanting this lot. So far they respond ok to it so i figured why not and to be able to get it directly under the root ball is priceless. Transplant will be at sex that way they are mature enough to take the new ferts
Few pics of my myco grow. This is all from biotabs starter kit. There shit is highly active.

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This is what the end result was this morning when i cracked the lid. This is my best round yet.

That is simply amazing. Last time I saw something like that was when I use to grow mushrooms.
This is what the end result was this morning when i cracked the lid. This is my best round yet.


I know you are getting tired of soil inoculation questions but I just need a couple things clarified please. From one of your other posts I think I understand the containers you are showing pictures of only have about a gallon of soil, along with the cup of baby cereal and you get the myco going in these containers and then mix into your larger supply of soil. Do I have that much correct?

I have some barley around that i don't ever plan on eating. Any reason I couldn't cook it up and use it instead of the baby cereal. I could mix some rice and oats with it as well. Also how much Epson salts and calcium did you add to your mix?

I'm thinking of trying something like this with three different containers. Will use Mammoth P, BioTabs Bactrex, and Recharge in each one separately just to see how active each bacteria mixture is.
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I know you are getting tired of soil inoculation questions but I just need a couple things clarified please. From one of your other posts I think I understand the containers you are showing pictures of only have about a gallon of soil, along with the cup of baby cereal and you get the myco going in these containers and then mix into your larger supply of soil. Do I have that much correct?

I have some barley around that i don't ever plan on eating. Any reason I couldn't cook it up and use it instead of the baby cereal. I could mix some rice and oats with it as well. Also how much Epson salts and calcium did you add to your mix?

I'm thinking of trying something like this with three different containers. Will use Mammoth P, BioTabs Bactrex, and Recharge in each one separately just to see how active each bacteria mixture is.

Man i am sorry that i havent replied to this. I feel like an ass...

Im never tired of them, just actually love to share the things that i am learning. The tubs are actually holding about 50-60L of soil. It is re-cycled from my own grows and allowed to basically clean its self. Then i addthe Bactrex to the amount of soil. I mix it in really well and let it sit for a week or so. Add the stuff to the top layer spray with water lightly and seal it up. 3 days later that is what we have, the blanket of myco.

I dont see why the barley wouldnt work, id dry it and crack it. I dont think that it needs heat, they like the dry rice and oats it seems. Epsom salt was really by eye, each tub is 50-60L so id say a cup and a half maybe 2. The calcium carbonate was split between 2 50L tubs so whatever the wight on that bag i posted was split that over 2 50L tubs.