Dinafem Fuggzy does a Dina

I misspoke. The salve is not high in cbd. It is 3.56 THC and .169 CBD. By my math, that is like 21:1, THC:CBD, I guess it could be any strain it is not specified on the package. The salve contains cocounut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax and cannabis and essential oils, for topical use only.

Coconut oil is rather good for the skin, and is a great cooking oil as it has medium-long chain fatty acids and is high in lauric acid. It also cooks at a high temperature without burning. I guess one could probably make canna butter with 100% coconut oil and it would be easily absorbed by the skin. The extra cocoa butter and beeswax give it more consistency through varied temperature but I don't believe they are at all necessary for the desired effect.

With a ratio of 21 to 1 on the cannabinoids, it sounds like you could try making a small amount of coco "butter" with about any extra strain you have around. Maybe pick the harsh one you don't like and make a topical out of it instead, I don't know. There are probably threads about salve here on AFN but I haven't checked.

Anyway, not wanting to post bad info so this is the actual lowdown on the product I referenced. It was made by Monumental Medicinals:

I wish you the best and continue to look forward to your living soil Dinafem Bubba Kush grow, she looks to be a fine, fine strain like everything else coming from Dinafem these days. I'm fairly certain I'll run the bean of Moby Dick XXL auto I've got here this summer, I'll let you know how she does.

Oh it is much easier. I gotta trick my wife in to going for a romantic day at the beach to go get the seaweed. :haha: Heck it's not any cheaper either. I gotta spend $50 on dinner after that romantic day. Lol. All jokes a side, I love my wife, and she know seaweed is the target. I have worked with plants for about 15 years with my family. Nothing professional myself, just an enthusiast. When I was able to start growing a garden (veggies, and herb), I wanted to learn it from the ground up, and studied soil for about 3 months.

I started on a budget soil in general. As time went on and my knowledge grew so did my budget. I'm no organics pro, and there will always be something to learn, but think I have a decent understanding. (I could be wrong on that too, lol)

That KIS looks like some nice soil. I'd be interested in seeing how it goes for you. Feel free to post a link here when you get is going bud. Till later, take care.:smoking:

There is no better way to learn than by getting your hands in the dirt .

It sounds like you have been around growing for a long time which has given you a lot of basic knowledge that transfers over to growing this great plant :toke:

All the best

Yeah, Fuggzy, there's a link in that thread on how to make it with everclear. I've not made any myself. It would be for internal use. I'm a med patient and have purchased topical salve from a dispensary here and it works very well rubbed into painful areas. I want to say the salve has a fair amount of CBD in it, but I don't have it in front of me this moment. There are probably recipes out there as to how to make your own, I recommend you try it too. :peace:

Ok so I made it through the thread, and on to A4's thread on making tinctures. I also read on the coconut oil, and that looks great too. I don't have much product to use yet for it, but am saving anything extra for making some. I'm still not 100% self sufficient, and don't want to put all my bud in the "first time" batch of anything, lol. I did however get my new seeds today, so I will have some Dinafem breed CDB in my soil soon.

I'm going to read up on this tomorrow, but any idea if males have any medicinal properties when it comes to tinctures, and extracts? I currently have 4 males that I would like to use after collecting pollen. I've vaped a couple of males to test out strength, but wasn't sure if they carried more CBD or what not.
The 4 I have are :
  • Long Peak Blues x2 (2 phenos) by Rare Dankness (one of the best sweet skunkberries I've smelled)
  • Night Terror OG also by Rare D
  • Tangie by Reserva Privada.
Thanks for posting the link and sparking the tincture interest man. You may have just helped change my life. :kiss:
I actually had a quiet chat with my mom tonight in regards to medicinal uses. She also has bones issues, and pains of age. She is generally against the use of pot in regards to herself. Pro pot on anything else, but refuses to even entertain the idea of using it. Shes a control freak, and doesn't like being stoned off anything. Anywho I told her my plans, and what I have been reading recently, and told her I thought she should put some serious thought in to it. I told her I would give it a run for myself, and try it out first, and just asked her to be open minded to the idea of holistic pain relief. (holistic is a trigger word for my mom, all of her meds are natural remedies) To my surprise she said not only would she be open minded, but if she didn't have to smoke it, she would at least give it 1 try.

So yeah, good shit man, thanks a bunch. Talk to ya later.:smoking:
@Dinafem-Mark So thanks again for the help with finding IPaC seeds. I got them in the mail today. :d5: They will be going in the ground much sooner than planned due to a 4/4 male plant count... Not even 1 female.:nono: It's okay I got some awesome pollen coming my way! Point is they should be breaking soil in about 2 weeks instead of 2 months! :smoking:
I wish you and your family well, Fuggzy. I'm facing some similar issue now as my dad has brain cancer and is going to surgery next week, and plans for the standard chemo and radiation therapy to follow. I have an uphill climb to overcome his bias against weed, or the bias of some siblings as well, but there have been promising study of weed being useful with brain tumors and if nothing else I'd want him to feel healthy and comfortable going forward. He lives in a legal state too so not difficult for him to test it out. I hope it might provide the relief he will need.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad, that must be difficult to deal with. I hope you are able to at least get him to try a cannabis related med. Have you tried approaching it in a medical regard with him yet? I watched my grandma, and a girlfriend go through chemo, and it was the hardest thing to just sit and watch. I would bring my girlfriend home, and just wish there was something I could do to help make anything better. Those are feelings I will never forget. I know theres nothing I can say to make things easier, but I understand how you may feel. Sending wishes of comfort to you, and yours in this rough time. Good luck.
@Dinafem-Mark So thanks again for the help with finding IPaC seeds. I got them in the mail today. :d5: They will be going in the ground much sooner than planned due to a 4/4 male plant count... Not even 1 female.:nono: It's okay I got some awesome pollen coming my way! Point is they should be breaking soil in about 2 weeks instead of 2 months! :smoking:

No problem what so ever, happy germinating :toke:

All the best

Okay so I had a boo boo. I was feeding all the plants while rather medicated and gave Bubba the wrong damn nutes. Instead of the micro nutes, and molasses I had mixed, I gave her 500ml full strength flower nutes for my photo... I ran through some extra plain water to thin it out, but the soil was already on the nute heavy side for an auto. That was Wed night, yesterday she had some leaf curl, and tonight she looks like someone is squeezing her. I gave her a water flush last night, and an enzyme flush tonight. She only has 1 spot that looks burned for now. Earth Juice are said to be pretty gentle even at higher doses. The next few days will tell. I'm sure she'll pull through it, I just hope it doesn't hurt her to bad later.

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So being that my photo grow was all males, my tent is free for my next auto grow. I just ordered a bunch more goodies for my soil, going with a Surf n Turf (anti vegan if you will) soil build. It's going to be March 18-24 till my last item arrives, and then 2 weeks for soil prep before I can do that grow... For the time I will be moving Bubba to the larger tent under the 600w, and adding a Critical+, and vegging a 501st OG by Rare Dankness with them. When the surf n turf is done cooking I'll be dropping 2 IPaC. I am excited enough about growing those I spent more cash on soil amendment for them, than I did on the seeds! I've got a bit of fine tuning to do on the ratios, but it should make some great living soil. I look forward to sharing it when I get the details worked out. Till later, take care.:smoking:
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Day 19

So she is looking a bit better tonight. A bit more relaxed looking. I gave her another 2L feeding with 1/2 a blade of aloe, and 1ml of golden tree. I also made a potassium silicate, neem & kranja solution, and gave her a good spray including the ground cover. Tomorrow I am going to go back to the smaller feedings. Hopefully the damage has been done, and she can start to recover. She should start to blow up here soon:bow:, I'd hate to have screwed that part up already :nono:.... Haha ironically, I also just gave her a flowering top dress, but it is slow release. Not a P-K kick to the face:finger:!
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Critical+ has cracked, and put in a paper towel. Some of my new soil amendments will be here tomorrow, so she will get a few treats Bubba may not get. Poor Bubba.

I have only found 1 more damaged tissue spot for 2 total.
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Have fun!​
“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you’re looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money; but what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career; skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you heal my BUBBA now that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don’t…I will look for you…I will find you…and I will kill you.”:crying: