Dinafem Fuggzy does a Dina

Cool, thanks for your reply. The soil I was referencing is found here:


It has the neem meal and Karanja meal you mentioned so I thought you might be using it. I have already ordered a bag of their nutrient pack, for cost efficiency of shipping, and will source peat , coco, perlite and compost here locally. I think I will add some humate ore and perhaps azomite as well. The nutrient mix has 10% calcium in it, from a variety of sources including fish , bone and crustacean meals, oyster shell, gypsum, etc..

I thought it would be more convenient than trying to source each component separately.

Anyways, good luck with the Bubba Kush, I'm looking forward to seeing your grow and learning more about organic style growing.

Oh it is much easier. I gotta trick my wife in to going for a romantic day at the beach to go get the seaweed. :haha: Heck it's not any cheaper either. I gotta spend $50 on dinner after that romantic day. Lol. All jokes a side, I love my wife, and she know seaweed is the target. I have worked with plants for about 15 years with my family. Nothing professional myself, just an enthusiast. When I was able to start growing a garden (veggies, and herb), I wanted to learn it from the ground up, and studied soil for about 3 months.

I started on a budget soil in general. As time went on and my knowledge grew so did my budget. I'm no organics pro, and there will always be something to learn, but think I have a decent understanding. (I could be wrong on that too, lol)

That KIS looks like some nice soil. I'd be interested in seeing how it goes for you. Feel free to post a link here when you get is going bud. Till later, take care.:smoking:
Day 13

Bubba is doing well. The light has been lowered to about 4.5-5" above her. No signs of stress after 24 hours. Today i just gave her some potassium silicate water, and cal/mag w/humic acids. The cal/mag is just a precaution as I think my soil is lacking it a bit. She is 5.5", and she keeps trying to go back to a lean. If I get a chance tomorrow I'm going to start some lst, and just force her straight.
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I envy the organic lol! I use SeaGrow and Botainicare Calmag plus, for soil it's Promix BX it's actually not a bad mix the only thing that is hard on me are the 2 flushes during the last 2 weeks the last grow I did with the lsd and aurora about killed me, I have some pretty bad kidneys and they cause a lot of pain. The reasons I grow,well there are a few first being spirit based which not many people understand but I do so that is all that matters. Second being medication, I have been on opiates for pain and benzodiazapines for panic disorder for about 8 years....eventually I hope to be able to get off these hellIish pills and rely on canna.Third being I need the money, I cannot work a "regular" job due to the symptoms caused by kidneys I have tried everything before I got sick I worked as a pharmacy technician. I cannot get any help either like Social Security Disability or even regular disability because of the shit state I live in, it is really depressing my antidepressant is growing, a lot of people don't understand anyway sorry for rambling in the middle of your grow lol! I can't wait to watch the rest unfold, much luv brother!
I envy the organic lol! I use SeaGrow and Botainicare Calmag plus, for soil it's Promix BX it's actually not a bad mix the only thing that is hard on me are the 2 flushes during the last 2 weeks the last grow I did with the lsd and aurora about killed me, I have some pretty bad kidneys and they cause a lot of pain. The reasons I grow,well there are a few first being spirit based which not many people understand but I do so that is all that matters. Second being medication, I have been on opiates for pain and benzodiazapines for panic disorder for about 8 years....eventually I hope to be able to get off these hellIish pills and rely on canna.Third being I need the money, I cannot work a "regular" job due to the symptoms caused by kidneys I have tried everything before I got sick I worked as a pharmacy technician. I cannot get any help either like Social Security Disability or even regular disability because of the shit state I live in, it is really depressing my antidepressant is growing, a lot of people don't understand anyway sorry for rambling in the middle of your grow lol! I can't wait to watch the rest unfold, much luv brother!
Haha no worries about the rambling. I think it kinda goes with the nature here. :smokeout: I hear, and understand you about not wanting to take Rx drugs. I've got osteoarthritis in my lower back, a bum knee, and anxiety issues, with depression coming and going for ~15 years. I tend to get every bad side effect a drug can have so unless I am screaming in pain, I don't take any Rx's, or over the counter meds for that matter. I personally still have not found a strain that can keep up with my back, with out just putting me to sleep. I have a 2 year old boy running around during the day, so sleep is not a reality for me. I do have an order for 5 Industrial Plant CBD Auto by Dinafem in the mail as we speak. It has a 1:2.25 Thc:Cbd, and I have high hopes for it. It will also be my first cbd breed strain. I was looking in to cbd strains in general, and when I saw that ratio in an auto, plus being newly released, I got kinda excited. So far there are only tester grow here that I know of, and they are still growing, so I'm not 100% sure how the consumer feelings are yet. I will say it looks like a great plant to have so far. My next auto grow will probably have 3 of those, maybe 2. All depends how these test grows turn out, lol. I think it is said to hit 1.2m. so 2 might be my limit. So theres a ramble back at ya bud. Type to ya later.:smoking:
I empathize with everything shared above, guys.

Fuggzy, with your pain issues, have you tried making tincture?

There was a thread here on afn, the guys in there were saying that nothing beats tincture when it comes to pain. You might look into that... :meds:
Hi Medi, thanks for stopping in bud. I'm not familiar with KIS products. Your gonna have to post a link for your grow with it. Give me a bit of education on them.

This is a home made soil that I built myself. The original ingredients where peat, perlite, bone meal, blood meal, and worm castings. The soil is now about a year old. When (~6mo ago) I added the biochar I also cut in compost, more perlite, and a lot more castings. In total it was about a 40% increase in soil. Before this, the soil went through 2 grows, being recycled and cooked in between. After wards It has all been simply top dressed, and treated as no-till. My five gallon pots have worms in them, and have not been dumped in the last year. This is actually my first go with the 3.5g pots, but they will most likely just be recycled, and re cooked. They are to small for a happy no-till in my opinion. Plus this summer I want to cut in some coco. When I first looked in to making my own soil I didn't know about coco, and now wish I had. I still have a ton of peat however...

  • The boichar is lump coal, smashed, and then brewed in worm casting for 3 days.
  • The 5 castings I use are: My own worm farm, the farm I purchased my worms from (the 1 bagged casting), and free range earth worms casting from 3 different locations, and different diets. The first 2 are from red wiggler worms, and the last 3 are from Canadian night crawlers.
  • I also have a rabbit that provides me with N loaded poo. His name is Carbon Foot, and he scares my wifes cat. So he gets double cool points with me
  • For my cloning needs I use aloe plants in the yard.
  • Besides the hay, my ground cover is all items I go find. Like sea grape leaves, and seaweed from the beach.
Theres some parts I am missing I'm sure, but thats the basic story of my soil. Here is a link on me making some FPJ with the banana flower if you are interested. Shaman Genetics seeds, organic soil, fabric pots, and a lot to learn. So everything in the pics should have been addressed above, so I'm not going to label them. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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It is always very refreshing to see growers still mixing their own "super soil" and not just buying a bag from your local grow shop. Imo this is the best way if you have the time and every grower can taper this to their own need :toke:

Thank you for sharing this information.

All the best

I empathize with everything shared above, guys.

Fuggzy, with your pain issues, have you tried making tincture?

There was a thread here on afn, the guys in there were saying that nothing beats tincture when it comes to pain. You might look into that... :meds:
Actually I looked in to tincture the same time as CBD strains. I have not had the chance to make any yet, but have harvested 2 plants in the last week. I plan on making some out of this batch. Do you have a recipe you personally like? Now I didn't look to far in to this, so don't crucify me for this question... Do you just use it like a muscle/topical rub? I'll have a look at the thread too, thanks for posting it. :d5: I'll research making tinctures more here soon too. Type with ya later bud.:smoking:
It is always very refreshing to see growers still mixing their own "super soil" and not just buying a bag from your local grow shop. Imo this is the best way if you have the time and every grower can taper this to their own need :toke:

Thank you for sharing this information.

All the best

I don't feel that my soil is where I want it yet, but do feel it is much better than when I started. Besides getting my hands dirty, I love the diy route because of the endless options. Anything from bagged alfalfa, to home made soil amendments.
Yeah, Fuggzy, there's a link in that thread on how to make it with everclear. I've not made any myself. It would be for internal use. I'm a med patient and have purchased topical salve from a dispensary here and it works very well rubbed into painful areas. I want to say the salve has a fair amount of CBD in it, but I don't have it in front of me this moment. There are probably recipes out there as to how to make your own, I recommend you try it too. :peace: