New Grower Fromseed2weeds Sweet tooth auto grow journal

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It's not the Promix.

Check it>>>Mix your Promix up with the sulfur you got as directed on the bag, maybe less I'm not sure what the bag says. Fill several party cups up with said mix, or however many more beans you wanna drop. Give them a good soak with clean water ph at 6.3 until it runs out the bottom. Leave them alone for a few days or until they dry up pretty good. If they're in your tent with the lights and air moving it shouldn't take long. Water them again until runoff with the again, clean water ph at 6.3. Check that runoff. If it's still high then wait another few days and repeat the same process until you're in range. Muddy said about 5-6 days maybe for the sulfur to act.

Then and only then is when you plant your germed seeds into your cups. I know it's hard but your patience will pay off if you do exactly as I say, I promise. I will never ever plant anything without having my soil and runoff ph pristine. For Promix, you want it around 6.2-6.4.

Don't give up on those you have now, though.
^^^ Yeah, what he said. :thumbs:

Sorry, misread a previous post and thought you were reusing the runoff. I agree with squid, get the ProMix to the ideal pH before dropping the beans in it. Also, I've found my seedlings have gotten off to a better start after I started adding some organic perlite to the ProMix BX for my starts.
Okie dokie I shall do as you say Mr squid, I would also like to apologize for naming a plant after you and then slowly killing said plant.
^^^ Yeah, what he said. :thumbs:

Sorry, misread a previous post and thought you were reusing the runoff. I agree with squid, get the ProMix to the ideal pH before dropping the beans in it. Also, I've found my seedlings have gotten off to a better start after I started adding some organic perlite to the ProMix BX for my starts.

Thanks KS. And cool, I think he is using the BX as well, guess that's why you said that. The HP has no vermiculite like the BX, but it does have extra perlite.

Organic perlite sounds cool. I want some. I don't know that mine is not organic, but I don't know that it is either. :D
Okie dokie I shall do as you say Mr squid, I would also like to apologize for naming a plant after you and then slowly killing said plant.

That is quite alright, my friend. These things do occur from time to time. You had named it after me in positive, healing thoughts, and I appreciate that. Let's get you turned around and I won't mention the fact of the matter.
That sulfur should be fine. It looks the same as what I have from E.B. Stone. Sort of looks like split peas. How much did you add? I use about 1.5 teaspoons per 3 gallon pot, so about 1/2 tsp. per gallon. As Squid said, mix some in, water, and let sit. It will take some time for it to break down and become effective.
It said to add 1tbls for every 4inches of diameter so I put a tablespoon in each cup.
Per party cup? That seems like a lot if Muddy says 1/2 a tsp.(not Tbsp) for a whole gallon of medium. I could be wrong, though. You'll know after you do the process of watering and waiting like I said before. I hope it works out. My shop had powdered sulfur, and I think it's supposed to be quicker. I will be doing my test soon and let everyone know.
Why does everything have to be so complicated? I wish there was a soil I could get that I didn't have to adjust the ph in, I mean it seems like every little thing is a battle, my first soil had slow release nutes which was no good so I get ffof and that turns out to be too hot for beans so I get promix and the ph is to high I mean geez I can't win for losing here... sorry for the rant guys I am just frustrated :(
I understand man, believe me. Just stick with it and we'll figure it all out. Gotta be patient with this stuff for sure.