Lighting Folux Solutions - AFN Communal Fall 2018 Test Thread

Getting exciting.
I put it together, all of two minutes there. Powered it up and wow. looks great!
Be another bit before I can get it installed in the tent. Need to clear out the male that is in there, scrub the tent and then I'll be ready. It's going in a 2x2x4 so it will be tight but I should be able to get it right close to the top with that slim profile. I will mount the driver outside the tent for this. This is a sweet light it will grow nice plants for sure.
Is it pretty much plug-and-play with the included hardware? What's the skill level required to put the kits together? Would someone with zero knowledge of electronics be able to pull it off?
Yes, its definitely plug and play. No tools required for assembly. On a skill level scale of 1-10, I'd say you'd have to be at least a 3 to put this together with out issue. The only things that may not be "common knowledge" would be how to use the wago connectors (matching wire colors), and that on the board, positive is on top, negative on bottom (or vice versa)… other than that, it was a breeze. I can see how someone with little knowledge or experience would want, or need some sort of install guide, since one wasn't included. I contacted Dan on IG over the weekend because I had a few questions. Got those answered quickly. He did ask if I needed an install guide, so it sounds like that's an option for those who need/want it. But yes, completely easy peasy
Yes it is very very simple. Only one flaw, it's dealing with lethal electricity. As such it needs proper paperwork with very clear diagrams and warnings. How many folks know off the top of their head that in the US Neutral is white, wide, ribbed or silver, black is hot, brass, unribbed, narrow. Ground is green. You need to know that in order to hook things up correctly and not KILL yourselves.
I know it is DIY and exceptionally simple, but it needs a flyer of some sort to make things very very clear about the dangers of household electric current and clear pictures of how to hook it up. It is for the best and for future liability lawsuits not to mention safety!!
Yes it is very very simple. Only one flaw, it's dealing with lethal electricity. As such it needs proper paperwork with very clear diagrams and warnings. How many folks know off the top of their head that in the US Neutral is white, wide, ribbed or silver, black is hot, brass, unribbed, narrow. Ground is green. You need to know that in order to hook things up correctly and not KILL yourselves.
I know it is DIY and exceptionally simple, but it needs a flyer of some sort to make things very very clear about the dangers of household electric current and clear pictures of how to hook it up. It is for the best and for future liability lawsuits not to mention safety!!
That's something I've been preaching to Steve for the past 6 months, it's not that the kits are necessarily hard to install, it's just that one screw-up could be costly. We do have a guide, it's unfinished because it has been waiting on photos for a long while.
That's something I've been preaching to Steve for the past 6 months, it's not that the kits are necessarily hard to install, it's just that one screw-up could be costly. We do have a guide, it's unfinished because it has been waiting on photos for a long while.
Glad to hear that. Like I stated, simple but a mistake can be fatal!
I'll try to whip up something and post it here.
Electrical color codes. These are important if you are going to deal with household current or mains current or whatever you call it the stuff that comes out of a wall plug and can kill you! That's why it is important.

This is from the Meanwell manual;
(a)Connect the FG wire (green or green/yellow) of the LED power supply to PE (green or green/yellow), this step can be skipped when the unit is marked class II, ungrounded.
(b)Connect the ACL wire (black or brown) of the LED power supply to Live (black or brown).
(c)Connect the ACN wire (white or blue) of the LED power supply to Neutral (white or blue).

OK from this you can see that you will need to connect the ACL or AC Live wire that is black or brown to the black wire on the power cord. Then the ACN or AC Nuetral wire that is white or blue to the white wire on the power cord. That leaves FG or Ground wire tha is green or green yellow to the green or green with yellow stripe wire in the power cord.

The wires are connected with a Wago connector, they look like this

As you can see in the picture, you lift the little orange lever, insert the wire, close the lever. That simple. If you look on the back of the connector you can see a guide for how long to strip the wire. Just make sure NO BARE wire shows when you push the wire in.
Here is another picture:

Hop this helps somewhat. Please be careful!!
It was super simple to connect but a diagram would be beneficial to most people without basic knowledge. I would like to know if just one of the screws to dim is used? Never dimmed a driver before from the driver itself. Its bright and does get warm maxed out! The extra heat will be great for the winter months.



Will be growing a Fairy Frost from the Portal! I'm excited about the light, very excited.

Need to clean my wiring up a bit ,wanted to let it run and the wires to relax before tying it all together.