Lighting Folux Solutions - AFN Communal Fall 2018 Test Thread

Looking good my man. They need there space because they are powerful did you move the light up or kept it the same and added a cal mag supplement?
I raised it a bunch Friday, but already had the def started. I'm about 26 inches from the top now. Will lower it this Friday after another dose of elemental. Tells me how strong the light is! First time with this def in a long time.
Whats up guys i am now doing FOLUX SOLUTIONS LED social media for them i am formly known as BIGNUGZ420. These lights are amazing and i can't wait to seeing some of the growing you guys do. Congrats to all of you who are using these wonderful lights and have beautiful plants I'll be posting some folux pics also bc they are great lights

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I love the panels I have a few just not from you guys. I bought them before you were on here. They produce at an unreal rate there sprawl is really good. the.
I can see adding another, want to see what V2 looks like! :headbang:
V2 is gonna be amazing I have a lot of ideas to help them with I don't know what they will let be in the build I am.thinking about UV and IR and wifi controller for environment so you can check on plants now these are all just ideas so I am hoping they will listen bc I. Am a grower giving grower ideas

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V2 is gonna be amazing I have a lot of ideas to help them with I don't know what they will let be in the build I am.thinking about UV and IR and wifi controller for environment so you can check on plants now these are all just ideas so I am hoping they will listen bc I. Am a grower giving grower ideas

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I'm hoping for a mixture of reds in there too! But I'm sure anything new will be excellent
Another one lives. Man I love this setup.
7 days later.. I lost track of day count. They all popped at different times. The Grape Crinkle I popped actually decapitated itself inside the seed. It was pretty weird. I dropped another one that just showed her face a few days ago. All is well!