Foliar feed gone wrong?

All right. I just saw that it's organic...... I do non-organic ferts... maybe there is I different thing. So until this is sorted out I will stay around and maybe learn myself something.
...well, the symptoms on the lower leaves is so advanced and mixed, I can't tell what's what exactly,... mostly N and P, which fits as they are mobile within the plant,... Yup, they were starved a bit, and there's no fixing the long term issues from that (stunting mainly),... yes, you can get a little burn, which comes from too much too fast, but I'm not so sure that is nute burn,...
Run-off alone is not a good measure of in-pot pH especially if you didn't know the pH going in,... it can paint a very general picture though, and likely, the soil isn't too far off if at all,.. What's you waters EC/ppm, and pH? Did you adjust the water before going in? This will also skew run-off results as well,...
If you run organic, you must get inoculants in there, or teas, etc.,... they are the key to breaking down the nutes into available forms,... I'd look into an enzyme product too,...
...well, the symptoms on the lower leaves is so advanced and mixed, I can't tell what's what exactly,... mostly N and P, which fits as they are mobile within the plant,... Yup, they were starved a bit, and there's no fixing the long term issues from that (stunting mainly),... yes, you can get a little burn, which comes from too much too fast, but I'm not so sure that is nute burn,...
Run-off alone is not a good measure of in-pot pH especially if you didn't know the pH going in,... it can paint a very general picture though, and likely, the soil isn't too far off if at all,.. What's you waters EC/ppm, and pH? Did you adjust the water before going in? This will also skew run-off results as well,...
If you run organic, you must get inoculants in there, or teas, etc.,... they are the key to breaking down the nutes into available forms,... I'd look into an enzyme product too,...

Hey Waira,

I got the accurate 8 ph probe today, everyone was around 6.5-6.8 at the soil. I knew the pH going in and out (they were included in this thread; I adjusted my going in ph to 6.2 because you scared me about the coco in the mix factor). They are looking wayyy better now, several new nodes with normal growth, the old twisted stuff grew out just kinda twisted. The yellowing and crap at the lower leaves has not spread at all. I have been feeding according to the schedule cited from others on here for the GO line (3.0 EC, 6.2 ph -this is the ph adjusted mix after adding nutes). The happy frog stuff should have had some stuff in it that hopefully has bounced back with the feedings. For next time, what would you recommend?

I think they are doing pretty good actually, about 1 foot (seeds went into rapid rooters a month ago tomorrow) lots of bud sites. Really depends on how long the stretch goes for it really just started. I'll post a full update later!
excellent! :d5: That's a huge part of the battle won right there,... indeed, there's only so much that can be fixed at this stage,.. just getting them to finish decently is the goal! For soil, depends on what you can get,.. Roots Organic soils seem to do well for folks,... many add a little extra lime and EWC,...
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Photo on 6-2-17 at 9.51 PM #2.jpg
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Photo on 6-2-17 at 9.53 PM.jpg

Hey everyone,

Heres the girls the top two are the gsc and bottom two are a blue cheese (my problem child!). They are a bit droopy because it's an hour from lights out. As you can see the new growth looks much better. They are also starting to stretch. I started feeding daily with the GO schedule outlined earlier. I got what looks like a bit of tip burn the first day, but nothing beyond that since. The nitrogen tapping at the lower leaves hasn't spread -neither has the spotting on the leaves. Let me know what you think! I'll keep posting here as sort of a happenstance journal.
I also just want to say::toke:. I tip my hat to you guys this community is awesome! Thanks for all the help and feedback!



  • Photo on 6-2-17 at 9.51 PM #2.jpg
    Photo on 6-2-17 at 9.51 PM #2.jpg
    137 KB · Views: 71
*I also feel somewhat validated about using azamax though I should have drenched. My sticky traps caught a couple adult fungus gnats by some photoperiods in the same space. The numbers seem low, tomorrow I'm going to try the potatoe "free lunch" test for larvae.
Also @Waira have you ever used bushdoctor microbe brew? I picked some up to include in my feedings for innoculant boost. Can't find much on here (or anywhere). Thinking about 1.5ml/2l.
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...:pass: neuro'-- about the gnats, it's the larvae that are of concern, as they eat roots,.. but only when in large numbers are they a problem; adults don't feed, they're flying gonads basically! best thing is the mosquito dunks/granules, these have a bacterial agent in them that kill when ingested,.. persists in the soil for a long time too,usually,... Make a "tea", with say, 1gal dechlorinated water, a couple T of granules, 1 fat Tbsp molasses and a dash of nutes, aerate someplace warm for 24h-ish, then just water as normal,... you have a simple air bubbler? A cheap aquarium unit will be fine,... Azamax is a purified from of neem, and in soil as a drench, it's not very effective nor lasting,...
...:pass: neuro'-- about the gnats, it's the larvae that are of concern, as they eat roots,.. but only when in large numbers are they a problem; adults don't feed, they're flying gonads basically! best thing is the mosquito dunks/granules, these have a bacterial agent in them that kill when ingested,.. persists in the soil for a long time too,usually,... Make a "tea", with say, 1gal dechlorinated water, a couple T of granules, 1 fat Tbsp molasses and a dash of nutes, aerate someplace warm for 24h-ish, then just water as normal,... you have a simple air bubbler? A cheap aquarium unit will be fine,... Azamax is a purified from of neem, and in soil as a drench, it's not very effective nor lasting,...

They are on the decline for sure. Thanks! Any thoughts on the inoculant supplement?
Oh yeah, forgot-- Bushdoctor is OK,... folks have been raving about Recharge! A University test report posted by a supersoil guy here a while back showed several other brands (forget which, mostly cheaper brands) had really shitty actual propagule counts, several orders of magnitude under advertised! :finger: ... I think for the $, Recharge is among the best values out there,.. Great White is excellent, but cost$$$,...