Foliar feed gone wrong?

Can I get a bump?
Also, it looks like a few of them are starting to flower -could this be what is affecting new growth?
Hey @stepside I think you were right on the money, serendipity indeed. Today the plants with twisted new growth showed yellowing lower fans (probably being sucked for N). Started hitting them with some weak veg nutes and cal mag (400 ppm), will post pictures when I see a change hopefully for the better!
:toke: -- I think the Azamax might have been partly to blame for this,.. what dosage did you use? Did you spray tops and bottoms of leaves, and did you use a wetting agent as well? did they go under direct lighting afterwards? Unless you ID the flying bug, blasting the plants with Azamax is not wise; if it was a fungus gnat, it wouldn't help, as the larvae are the real danger in soil, eating roots,.. adults are little more than flying gonads! . ..The very mild foliar of Ca-Mg isn't behind this, not at that miniscule dosage,... when you see a symptom, try to confirm what it is before treating, or you're as likely as not to make matters worse, not better,.... RO water doesn't need to be pH'ed, as it's lightly acidic already (reaction of CO2 dissolving into water),.. what did you pH too, and is your meter recently calibrated? RO water has zero buffering minerals in it, and as such is prone to large pH swings from even small inputs,...
I'm with Step', time for mild nute dosage to start,.. Also, this coco/soil blending I see so many do, gets mixed results,.. coco is a very different sort of medium, not a soil at all; it makes a nice component to soil, and by itself is a great, specialized medium, but blends like this make for a fussy mix,... coco needs to run at lower pH's that soil, and has different CEC properties,... Until you're a well experienced grower, and know both mediums better, stay with one or the other, not a bastard child mix of them both,... Also, a heads up of all Foxframs soils-- they are often badly acidic and poorly cooked, full of sticks and pebbles,... quality control is a dice-toss with each bag, has been for years now with them,..
Hey Waira,

Thanks for the love! I did a foliar application of 0.75% in 6.5 pH'd RO water with no wetting agent. I only applied it to the tops of the leaves. To be honest, this is my first rodeo solo so I think I was a bit over zealous and the knee jerk reaction was a bit overkill. I have some sticky cards up that are clean at the moment so either the little bugger died or moved on. I have a dust applier coming to get a bit more of the diatomaceous earth spread among the topsoil incase there are any incubating in the soil.

The feed seemed to help but since I'm using organic nutes it might take a bit to right the ship fully. I did burn a few tips ever so slightly but should be fine. Next time I am starting with low nutes earlier to get em rolling before any major deficiencies pop out. **As far as pH goes I brought it up to 6.5, water was aerated prior to use to let partial pressures and temps stabalize. Meter is calibrated for sure (4, 7 and 10 solutions on hand).**

I am with you on the mix, was a terrible idea that seemed great until actually practiced. I will never mix the two again, such a pain -I have photoperiods going as well that 2/3 of the same strain are showing magnesium deficiencies no doubt due to the half baked growing medium cluster.

I'll post some pictures later this week and see what you guys think :thanks:


Hey guys,

Here are some pics of the girls now, all but the problem child have normal looking new growth. Many a thanks to @namvet25 @stepside @Waira :worship::thanks::greenthumb:
Photo on 5-30-17 at 9.22 PM.jpg
Photo on 5-30-17 at 9.26 PM #3.jpg

I started with half a ml of GO calmag+, grow, bioweed, black diamond, biomarineand root per liter. Today I bumped it to a ml of each per liter and mixed in half a teaspoon of MgSO4 per liter. The NPK values are as follows:

CalMg [NPK 1-0-0]

BioThrive (plant food) 'GROW' [NPK 4-3-3]

Diamond Black (liquid humic acids) [NPK 0-0-1]

Bio Marine (cold processed squid) [NPK 2-3-1]

Bio Root (root booster) [NPK 1-1-1]

Bio Weed (cold processed seaweed) [NPK 0.2-0-0.3]

I am still getting some lower leaf tapping and what looks like a cal or maybe P deficiency.
Photo on 5-30-17 at 9.26 PM.jpg
Photo on 5-30-17 at 9.28 PM.jpg
Photo on 5-30-17 at 9.29 PM #2.jpg
Photo on 5-30-17 at 9.29 PM #3.jpg

Did I just starve them for so long that they are still hurting? Should I be feeding more regularly until tapping slows? Some of the leaves seem to have mild nutrient burn, is this possible while simultaneously tapping the fans?


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    Photo on 5-30-17 at 9.23 PM #2.jpg
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Have you happened to test the runoff pH? I'm also a pretty big fan of the SME method (saturated media extract), UMass has some decent info online on how that works. Given the coco and whatnot in your soil mix, and the super dark leaves, it may be worth a pH check. If you're on the low end, then that might be part of your problem and you're seeing some nutrient toxicity/lockout?
I'm waiting on an in-soil pH meter but I've been testing pH and EC of the runoff. As of today runoff pH was 6.5, EC 2.5 (the feed was pH 6.2, EC 3.0). The coco/soil thing was half baked -we'll see how it works out. The pics are kinda crappy but the leaves are a bit dark, wondering if P is locked out or in heavy demand in early preflower. Meter should be here Friday, I'll post an update then.
Hey, I'm no expert but I've done a few grows. My alarm-bells started to ring when I saw an EC of 3.0 going in... .3.0? Are you sure? I think I have gave mine a max of 1.9 - 2.1 and that was some big ass plants.
"Houston, we probably got an overfeed situaion-problem..."
I just needed on do an input here...
Hopefully, with the experts here on AFN they will help you out....