New Grower Fog Dog in a Earthbox jr


Cultivators Club
Jan 8, 2021
Reaction score
Trying the Fog Dog by Atlas seeds.
Was a freebie with multiverse beans that I know a few here also received.

So here we go in a earthbox jr in a 2x2x4 and marshydro ts1000.
Still have my Amnesia growing so the light is at 100% and 36 inches .

Using the same media from my cdlc grow.

Added some buildaflower,craft blend and Kashi blend along with an avocado half.

Soaked for 25 hours and placed directly to soil.
Seed popped its head out 71 hours after seed was soaked in water and 46 hours after planted in soil.

The earthbox is looking great.
Worms are loving the avocado and there is a nice layer of mycelium.

Was a little worried that I didn't let the earthbox dry out enough.
Will have to be careful with my watering schedule for the next 2 weeks until I start filling the rez.

One of these times I'm going to try it. It's very appealing to have a system that works the way nature intended. It seems like it would be troublesome in some ways, but not having to mix nutes all the time would be a good exchange. :wall: :greenthumb:
Following and looking forward to the show. Worms FTW!
If you showed this to a person on the street, they'd think it was a sick planter.
But it looks spectacularly healthy. Great start.

Most of the time I'm that person on the street.
Slowly getting there though.
One of these times I'm going to try it. It's very appealing to have a system that works the way nature intended. It seems like it would be troublesome in some ways, but not having to mix nutes all the time would be a good exchange. :wall: :greenthumb:

I love the fact you can get so busy in life and just check the tube and get on with your day.

I will be gone for 4 days on Day 22.Timed this grow so when I leave, it should take about 4 days to empty the rez.