Indoor Five's Auto Garden - Bubble Kush Auto + Think Big Auto

Great looking plants, kind of looks like the tops of the bubble kush have died though. I'd chop them sooner rather than later. Looks dank anyways!
Great looking plants, kind of looks like the tops of the bubble kush have died though. I'd chop them sooner rather than later. Looks dank anyways!
You think the tops may have died? I hadn't considered that, how do you think that could happen?
The nasty bits are dry as hell so might break some off and try smoking it.

Thanks Bambud, I'm really looking forward to the Think Big

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I've had similar happen to me before. In my case it was because the bigger and denser buds got mold due to high humidity, which caused the stem inside the bud to rot and stop pulling water to the top of the plant. If I were you i'd check to see if the same has happened to you, probably near the bottom of where the branch is drying up you may see some rotting on the branch/bud.

Luckily it seems pretty isolated to that one plant though, so it is odd. Maybe it collected some water at some point?
I've had similar happen to me before. In my case it was because the bigger and denser buds got mold due to high humidity, which caused the stem inside the bud to rot and stop pulling water to the top of the plant. If I were you i'd check to see if the same has happened to you, probably near the bottom of where the branch is drying up you may see some rotting on the branch/bud.

Luckily it seems pretty isolated to that one plant though, so it is odd. Maybe it collected some water at some point?
That's interesting. The Bubble Kush doesn't seem to drink as much as the other but I have checked it and can't find any bud rot, it's also very dry so no mould at all

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Girls are just over 13 weeks old now and the Bubble Kush is being flushed. There seems to be a lot of the plant dying, which I can't really understand but I sampled a but the other day was still pretty good to smoke. Quite flavourful and potent, so I'll see how she goes.
Think Big is still being fed around 800ppm and lapping it up. I think she has another week or two and I will start to flush her too.



Bubble Kush


Think Big

That's Budrot man...sorry. Best get it the hell out of the room...
That's Budrot man...sorry. Best get it the hell out of the room...
Shit ay, I thought bud rot would be moist and this is dry as a bone. How can you tell? I've never seen it before

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Maybe one of the growers with experience can give more certainty, but it looks like some example pictures I've seen. Maybe I'm overreacting, but it certainly doesn't look right. Personally I would have eliminated that one if I had that many plants going...
Maybe one of the growers with experience can give more certainty, but it looks like some example pictures I've seen. Maybe I'm overreacting, but it certainly doesn't look right. Personally I would have eliminated that one if I had that many plants going...
Thanks for the advice Scirzo, I'll take her out of the cabinet asap and see if anything can be salvaged

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My star ryders from dp . There genetics dont disappoint

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