Indoor Five's Auto Garden - Bloody Skunk Auto & Big Devil Auto

Five we all have to start somewere.the longer u grow the easier it will be.the more plants u grow the more u learn.all in good time u will become the grower u wish to be;) happy growing
Too true mate! I guess compared to how I started I'm almost a master haha! But I have learnt a hell of a lot since my first grow and never thought after all the problems I could get this far. It's all due to people like yourself of course but that's how we learn ;)
@autobeast how far away do you set your LED for your seedlings and young plants? I'm wondering if I maybe had the lights too close to mine
For veg mate u want ur leds 18 to 24 inches away from ur plants;) led penetrate the plants far better than hps.and u will notice no stretch at this height.nice tight compact nodes;) happy growing;)
For veg mate u want ur leds 18 to 24 inches away from ur plants;) led penetrate the plants far better than hps.and u will notice no stretch at this height.nice tight compact nodes;) happy growing;)
Mine are quite a lot further away but the girls don't seem to be stretching. I'm thinking they may not have liked such intense light and prefer it a bit further away than normal

21 days old now and looking MUCH better, particularly Big Devil. Growth seems to accelerated and new leaves are looking a really nice green.
Let me know what you guys think! :)


25 days old today and Big Devil is starting to really come up nicely. The Bloody Skunk on the other hand still looks a bit raggedy and no where near as nice as her sister. I have the lights set at 40" away however I'm wondering if I should bring them a little closer. Bloody Skunk looks like she is stretching but Big Devil has nice tight nodes, so I'm not really sure if that is the problem or if it is something else.
Both have had the same feeds, the same run off, the same environment and everything so I'm a bit confused as to why they're both so different.
Over the past week temps have been around 18-20 celcius during lights off and around 22-26 during lights on. Normally I wouldn't have any issues with the fluctuation and in the past I usually get a lot larger differences than that but the plants don't seem to mind, so I don't think it is temp issues. RH has been around 50%-65% which is good in my opinion.

Any ideas would be great! I'm thinking of moving the light above the Bloody Skunk down a few inches to see if she is a little happier but would love any feedback on what you guys think
