Indoor Five's Auto Garden - Bloody Skunk Auto & Big Devil Auto


19 days old today and looking much MUCH better now. Both girls have peaked up a bit and look much happier now. They had a light feed two days ago where I made sure all the coco was wet and got about 20% run off, but I'm not sure if that made a difference or not. If it did, it took a couple of days because they still didn't look too healthy yesterday.
I would normally have topped these girls at this age but due to their small size, I think I might have to wait another week. They look to me to be about the size they would normally be at about the 12 day mark so I think some more growth is needed.

@autobeast Would love your thoughts on topping these girls. Being they are at 19 days old but look less than 13 days, when do you think I should be looking to top?
Five looking good mate.glad they have taken off for u.good job.maybe let these go untopped mate as there not the strongest starters. For a topped auto u want a good strong bean.and there 19 days old now so the window for topping has leave them be to just grow for 2 weeks mate then start lst on them for an army of colas;) happy growing bro;)
Five looking good mate.glad they have taken off for u.good job.maybe let these go untopped mate as there not the strongest starters. For a topped auto u want a good strong bean.and there 19 days old now so the window for topping has leave them be to just grow for 2 weeks mate then start lst on them for an army of colas;) happy growing bro;)
That's a bit unfortunate as I find it much harder to get even canopies without topping.
Do you think the week of crappy growth may turn in to an extra week of flower at the end?
Five i can teach u how to get an even canopy without topping .im doing it now in my current grow on here. 2 plants 1 was a slow starter so just lst.but the other plant topped then lstd.i totally agree that topping gives u a far better plant to play with for training,thats why i do it.keep a totally even canopy.and i wouldnt like to predict that they may flower for longer cause of there slow not sure mate,only time will tell us this;)
Five i can teach u how to get an even canopy without topping .im doing it now in my current grow on here. 2 plants 1 was a slow starter so just lst.but the other plant topped then lstd.i totally agree that topping gives u a far better plant to play with for training,thats why i do it.keep a totally even canopy.and i wouldnt like to predict that they may flower for longer cause of there slow not sure mate,only time will tell us this;)
That would be great if you could teach me, I always had trouble with it on the first couple of plants I did.
Thanks for the advice as always mate :)
I came on here 4 months ago knowing zip about autos having killed my first attempt by transplanting....mmmm....started to read about them and then came across ur thread.....and gotta say even though I'm a basic mudlark it was ur mythbusting attitude towards autos that got me growing the way I do now .....first pic is of my first grow taken down 2 weeks ago and the rest are what's in there now

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I came on here 4 months ago knowing zip about autos having killed my first attempt by transplanting....mmmm....started to read about them and then came across ur thread.....and gotta say even though I'm a basic mudlark it was ur mythbusting attitude towards autos that got me growing the way I do now .....first pic is of my first grow taken down 2 weeks ago and the rest are what's in there now

Sent from my 9001X using Tapatalk
Thanks mate, it's awesome to be able to inspire someone. It's not really my methods though, autobeast taught me most of what I know. He is the real mythbusting master grower ;)
Looks like a good haul though, nice work
Five thanks dude.once they got some growth bout 2 weeks from now.u should have big enough plants to start keep a close eye on ur grow and once there ready will tell show u how to make them beautys;) and top work always keep it up bro;)