R.I.P. Gone, but not forgotten.
I use a squirrel cage fan in my bubbly tank roofs. It is wicked loud but it changes the air in my grow room every minute or so and does help a lot with the cooling. In my other room I use a couple of those whisper fans like you were talking about. They work well also and they are much quieter. Strangely enough the thing that is the loudent in the diaphram air pump that puches the air into the tank and makes the bubbles. I can hear that running all the way upstairs. I like the fact that one of you used dB rating. He must have a dB meter how a former sound man I'm guessing. Besides me he is the only one I have ever spoken to who has one. For all of you who don't know what 28 dB is - It is a quiet voice talking.
He has a great idea. A dB rating on these fans and pumps would be a great spec to give in the selling info of these products.
He has a great idea. A dB rating on these fans and pumps would be a great spec to give in the selling info of these products.