I think this is sick my Man!!!!!!!!
I see in your albums what you can do with this bulbs. This is amazing!!! If they are get only these 54W T5 HO 6500K (and I dont think your hobby is told beginners things what isnt't true

) and they are looking beutifull like in your albumb (big , helty, good yielded), HOW THIS THING CAN HAPPENED???????????!!!!!!???????? (I mean how can bee a hight K (6500K) bulb can force to flowering anything???)
Its completly contradict everything what I heard and read before. I try to think in logically.
Plant is a live organism like human body. When the human grow the body need minerals (example Ca, and P). How can the body evolve in healty, if It get just 1 mineral from the several what it need?
Its a realy poor example, but I think it show the question essence.
I'm really dont understand how this thing happened. Thes plants are AF. They lifetime is 8-10 week, which they flowering 6-7 week!!! How this thing happened, how they are satisfied with the 6500K light if they in there 65-75°% time spend with flowering??
In AFN there is anopther new guy like me, have the same problem. He want to make his own with CFL. Many advanced user say him, he need to buy 2 set. 1 for the flo. and 1 for the veg. Just say need to mix the spectrums gradually from daylight(6500K) to warmwight(2700K). Here it is (practically teh same question, with comletly other answers like my topick):
and here it is another:
Or any magic with the T5 HO?

I dont know what I think right now

It just work when the light is T5?
I'm search for an ideal light setup in the last 4-5 days (minimum 3-5 hour a day). I see many conbination.
I think I'm comletly happw with a full T5 set, but as i dig myself in the theme I see terrible thing with the price!
The T5 bulbs is not expensive. BUT THE EQUIPMENTS!!!!!! Oh God!!!
T5 bulb (2700K, 6500K the same price) maybe 6-7 dollar. need 8-10 60-70 dollar
Electronic ballasts 2X54W 25-30 dollar!!!! and I need 4 from it, its maybe 100-125 dollar!!!!!!!
moisture-proof socket 5 dollar, and I need 16!!! 80 dollar
If I pick the most cheap of everything it will cost : 250-300 dollar!!!! OMFG!!!! ( If I move every source I can I got maybe 400 dollar for this project encludeing seeds, soil, mylar.....)
( I think use 80W, but this plan failed, couse my box is 125 cm the maximum inside distance, but from 80W T5 HO is 145 cm the the smallest.)
Thats Why I think (before read ripster post) I try to resolve the problem in cheeper way.
I thinkI will use 2X54W T5 HO, and the missing light part from other CFL, or PL.
I see 80W CFL whitch give 5500 lum, and they price (encludeing, bulb, ballast, socket and they sell every whithe what we need (2700K/6500K)) 30 dollar / each.
It can be functional?
I think I need 420-500W, and 33-40000 lum. if my calculate is good.
Its a hard thing guys...