Haha yeah bro

slowly growing a green family of my own.... Lost meself feeding the amnesia with it being coco I don't think I've been given her what she needs. Might give her a little flush when she dries and start a basic flower feed.
I've learnt loads and still learning, really enjoying my little adventure.
Got these in my collection so far
10x Regular Bodhi soulmate
1x Auto Critical Cheese. The Bakery Seed Co
1x Auto Mexican Airlines. FastBuds
1x Auto Amnesia Xxl. The Indian seeds
1x Auto Blue Berry mango. The Bakery Seed Co
1x Auto Glue Berry. Dutch passion
2x Auto Cheesecake. The Bakery Seed Co
2x la Confidential. The Bakey Seed Co
1x French Cookies. T.H.Seeds
2x Critical Orange Punch. Dutch passion
2x Critical Hog. T.H.Seeds
1x Blood orange sorbet. DNA Genetics