First time grower..

This little try me pack came today for my biomixe lsd 25. She has had nothing but water for her 22 days life so far. I want to start her on her feeds but im unsure on how many mls per litre I should feed her and how I should feed her?
I only started nutes around 4th week, but you'll have to decide. Never used grow, only ph perfect bloom from AN. At this point i also added a bit of Big Bud. You can check my girls here to have an idea. I would say maybe 1/4 of waht the brand says you should use and after that increase if it seems they need it.
Try to measure the soil PH. I have issues with high PH on soil in spite of using PG perfect nutes and using PH corrected water when i just use water.
That's one thing I haven't done is check the soil PH... I don't have a soil PH meter nor have I fed until run off yet
That's one thing I haven't done is check the soil PH... I don't have a soil PH meter nor have I fed until run off yet

neat lil trick -> runoff ph x2 minus ingoing ph = soil ph...more or less :rolleyes2: it'z not exact, but will be close enuff to grow on (see what me did there-? hehe :biggrin: ) when dealin with ph, ur shootin for a range anyway, not an exact number, and tbh, with soil bein a more forgiving medium, then hell, as long as it'z sumwhere in the 6'z, it'z all good, lol :joy: ppp
neat lil trick -> runoff x2 - ingoing = soil ph...more or less :rolleyes2: it'z not exact, but will be close enuff to grow on (see what me did there-? hehe :biggrin: ) when dealin with ph, ur shootin for a range anyway, not an exact number, and tbh, with soil bein a more forgiving medium, then hell, as long as it'z sumwhere in the 6'z, it'z all good, lol :joy: ppp
Yeah I'm gonna feed her until run off next time she dried out, feeding until runoff scares me as its an awful alot of water going in.... Yeah growbro i did see what one did there :d5: :smoking: that's one of reasons why I went to the biobizz lightmix it's a lot easier to manage and control
Height difference between these two ladies. Amnesia(left) day 47 Lsd 25 day 25


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